So many people are saying that Siwons actions are annoying them, and honestly they are annoying me too. But if I was in his situation I hate to say it but I would probably end up acting in similar ways. I just feel bad for all the characters in this book like omg AUTHOR PLEASE MAKE THEM HAPPY ALREADY UGGH

Well, I'm sorry you getting annoyed by readers getting annoyed with a story that derails off the tracks.
Ironic that you give yourself the right to express your 'annoyance' with people expressing theirs. Maybe just skip or stop reading the comments until it goes back to your taste?
If there are so many readers pointing out the absurdity of a fully mentally capable teenager Siwon to act the way he is acting is because this is not a misinterpretation or a singular reader noticing the same thing. It's like passing through a car crash and pretending it doesn't exist. Of course most readers will point out the car crash.
It's expected that readers get to express their frustration with a story they have been following for 50+ chapters and start doing things that make one of the MC characters plain retard and the other an afterthought that hardly gets a purpose other that the nagging dude.

He's not a teenager though, but a man in his twenties who is old enough to have completed his military service. Guess because Siwon is drawn to look like he is still a child it's easy to assume he is far younger than he actually is. But honestly even if he were still a teen his behaviour would be ridiculously immature.

It's a university, not school. And you would expect most people to be upset at the culprit who plastered the images around, not your partner and taking out all your insecurity out on them. That just comes off as being abusive. Also, there are policies regarding anti-discrimination as well as revenge pornography laws meaning the culprit would likely be asked to leave the university due to being homophobic, harassing and stalking fellow students in the real world. Screaming, crying and being abusive about your tutor group knowing you are in a relationship with someone else when you are in your twenties isn't how most adults would react. Siwon isn't a kid.

This is a university though.... Siwon is 23. He behaved like a kid. I'm in university now. I don't think people care that much =)), they might get upset at the culprit but not the pair or they don't even care at all. Unless Jinha was a prof and Siwon was a student, then probably people would get upset. They are both students, no one cares that much. University is not like high school, people are not that close and gossiping.

Agreed. given his peer group will be made up of people from their teens to decades older his primary school mentality of thinking that your classmates opinion on your personal life is unrealistic both in terms of how an average 20 something would react, and the reactions of his students who likely have their own more important business to be concerned with such as studying and thinking about the debt they will be in due to the tuition fees. Also, surely his university would have strict policies on bullying especially as this is done on a discriminatory (homophobic) level, as well as laws concerning sexual assault, stalking and distributing "revenge pornography" meaning an average adult wouldn't bully their partner who is also a victim but complain to the university or police about the Chinese guy's actions.
So Simon wakes up on a private island with a man who spread rumours all around his college, used his friend to assault him and bullied kangaroo jinha out of “love” and you sit with him, eat with him and act like a little bitch ? Smart.
well, what do you want him to do? plunge himself into the ocean?
yes he should’ve died
damn you guys are a vicious crowd. siwon's annoying stubbornness is either out of lengthening the plot (poorly) or perhaps self sabotage from author against lezhin so please don't hate so much.
I 100% support the author and love where the plot line is going, I understand that there needs to be a sense of conflict and a main antagonist in the story, I guess I’m just not used to the main character having such low guard around the villain in the book xx