I'm gonna miss this whole dynamic once she turns back into a human. Same thing with the Hawk Princess. They had more chemistry when she was a hawk. Hopefully this series can do it better
A physician who's also an explosive expert didn't raise any red flags for the faction of the most powerful Duke? Really???
Chinese historical setting, shojou, romance, comedy. The FL is one of the painters invited to the palace to draw the emperor. She also draws BL fanfic using the emperor and his white-haired half brother as inspiration. The emperor accidentally finds the fanfic and wants to hunt down the artist. Thus, comedic shenanigans commence. The white haired half brother hides the FL as his "apprentice". The half brother is the 2nd ML, but he's not evil. He maintains friendship with the couple in the end.
My grandpa died when I was 9. He's the only father figure I ever had. I still smile when I do something well now that I knew he was interested in (like gardening).
If grandpa Lombardi still dies in this life, I will riot! End the story before he dies happily from old age!