MonMon1001 created a topic of To deny the route

That ending was so rushed! What happened?? There were so many unanswered questions and details that were never explained. Did something happened to the author for them to just suddenly end everything this quickly??

Finally they kissed!

But do be concern about your brother pls

Glasses dude so far is my favorite since he has shown up at her funeral in the last life while spider dude didn't. Tho spider dude did show some solemness in her death, it didn't feel like they even knew each other in the last life personally. Flirty dude died before they even got to know each other and in my opinion, for this life, it feels like he's flirting out of interest and not really like her.

MonMon1001 created a topic of I Will Change The Genre

God fucking damn it old man! He owes you nothing after the bullshit you put him through!!

Never thought the word "biker gang" and "pianist" would be used to identify one person.

The way the system responded and reacted seemed almost alive like it has a mind of its own. Especially how it asked for help and even told Sejun the solution to help Aileen at the moment. Makes me wonder if the system purposely gave him the skills required to help Aileen.

On another note, RIP Sejun. I shall donate some money for your future funeral.

MonMon1001 created a topic of Dreadful Night

Good lord, I'm more focus on the plot right now then the sexy scenes. Like what the hell is going on!?

Is this supposed to be culinary class or cooking boot camp? XD At least he's not Gordan Ramsy strict right?

MonMon1001 created a topic of Eleceed

Damn, Kayden, why you did them dirty like that? XD

OMG I'm cackling at his attempt of "increasing affection" XD

I was just starting to feel the chemistry between the MC and her ex-boss, but then he made her eat poison and I was "Nah dawg, you just fucked up". Yes, it's better for her to learn poison resistance in the long run, but that's definitely gonna kill a lot of the 'affection points' you're trying to build up. That Affection bar is gonna take awhile to fill up with your terrible dating skills, sir.

God, is she stupid?! Is this gonna be another stupid MC? Like why would you just wander into a forest defenseless, knowing full well that the bitch would be there and once again, got yourself caught! You were literally just rescued a few chapters ago and you got yourself kidnapped AGAIN!? The conveniency with some of these scenes are starting to make the story feel stale.

Oh no, our Theo is letting his power go to his head. Theo's villain arc commence!

Sir? Sir, it's too early in the morning to start this when your hubby needs breakfast and rest. You can strip him later when he recovers.

MonMon1001 created a topic of Eleceed


I just realize something.... how old are they right now? They look no older than 10 to me and they are walking around with swords?! I can understand if it's for selfdefense, but after seeing this chapter, I can't imagine what kind of bloody horror could happen if kids that age walks around with a weapon and start brawls with each other over arguments like this. I don't even trust kids with scissor without supervision, even much less with a sword.

First, there was conveniently child-size hole for her to sneak in without notice and now we have a grown ass adult that wants to kill her because she embarrassed his son? I'm starting to feel that some of these situations are getting a little too convenient.

MonMon1001 created a topic of Eleceed

Our king, our god, our lord and daddy is here!