wait, i dont understand the house rental?? are they gonna take it? cause it was said the owner moved abroad and the rent is cheap bc of that but only for some time until they come back and stop renting the place?? so are they gonna move just for a short amount of time there? wouldn’t it be better then to stay where they are now and save for somewhere where they can rent for indefinite amount of time? ugh, this is so confusing

House rentals have contracts. In Japan I think its standard as 1-2 years depending on the owner. So maybe the owner will be overseas only by the within the duration of the contract and would just want to make the property earn while they are away. That's why it's cheap. Maybe they can extend it after and if you just started living together with someone 1-2 years is already a good starting point then you can decide whether you need a much bigger/smaller space

Am I the only one who thinks Hiromu is kinda shitty? Natsuo didn't even do anything that bad back in high school. He was just extremely clingy and eager 'cause he was in love? And an idiot too, but a sweetie overall. If you think texting everyday to grab your attention (and from what we see, Hiromu didn't even say no or deny Natsuo this) and unintentionally killing a few plants warrant this type of later behaviour then you're just trash. Right?

at this point, i don't even know why i'm still following up this manga. it's pointless, there's no progress whatsoever, nor in the story, nor in the characters. i feel like we're constantly getting the same content over and over again. haru has amnesia, haru is surrounded with women and ren gets jelaous and ignores haru, haru being clueless about ren's behaviour and what he himself did wrong, for it to come up, ren being constantly flustered by haru, end and repeat. are we doing something wrong here?
finished putting the gods in their places in veilguard only to come here catch up & see another divine bitch pull up and fuck shit up :///