IM ABOUT TO JEJDHDJ SOMEONE! That was the fucking craziest fucking plot twist of the century and Hee needs to kill that bitch ass fucking foster mom! LIKE WHAT THE FUCK. I know he’s psychologically not alright but that’s because he’s had no one and the time he thinks he does, fucking TAEKYUNG DOES some fuck ass Tom foolery! BITCH I AM TIGHT AS FUCK.
Like!!!! I CANT even believe that TAEKYUNG step mum (Ceicelia) killed Hee’s mom and INSTEAD of Taek saying the motherfucking truth he lies because she has stage 3 breast cancer. Taek was always evil and the only reason he was sponsoring Hee was he felt GUILTY AND MOTHERFUCKING HEE CLOCKED THAT STUPID BLACKHAIRED BITCH!!!!! And then he goes on with his life for 7 years…nah Hee better than me cause I would terrorize you and k*11 that foster mother and then BURN HER MOTHERFUCKER HOUSE SINCE SHE WANNA PLAY.
Honesty this manga is a 10/10 and I can’t wait for season 2!!! That was tew good! And I don’t feel bad for Taek at all he deserves everything that comes to him and honestly Taek should have k*11ed him that moment :/ that stab wasn’t fucking enough.
-Till next time! ( ノД`)