In the world of “Pian Pian,” people are born with the initials of their soulmates on the...
I thought there was something exceptional about it, tho the plot was unique, that’s all there is. It was hard reading it through the end because the miscommunication went on too long and became monotonous. I did enjoy some parts, but I mostly read for the sake of tagging it as completed. There was no notable characteristic of Calix and Sooha that stood out to me, they felt okay. I did feel the romantic feelings from them, but there’s no tingling sensation. Sahyeon’s character stood out the most, his aura is more sensational than Calix. His body, expressions, and whole existence are freaking sensual! But despite that, I still prefer Calix for Sooha, Sahyeon was touchy-feely, and I did not like it. Those sexual harassments left a bad taste in my mouth. And last was Hanbin, never liked his character, not until the side stories. Also, the thing with Sahyeon and Calix was quite unexpected and made me feel quite sad. Sahyeon and Hanbin’s side stories covered all the things the main story lacked, wasted opportunity, only 3 chapters only tf. The omegaverse AU was cute but wasn’t needed, tbh. The side stories should’ve been more of Sahyeon and Hanbin, what a waste.