I was afraid that the author will be like "oh he saved him from drowning so kim will forgive him and they will have a happy ever after" but I'm glad Kim's still like "no, f8ck off"
Tho I don't know what would be able to repair this relationship. I don't think they should end up together.
He did grape him, treated him like sh9t, ab3sed him mentally and physically, etc.
I know it's fiction but in real life he would already have a restraining order, and Dan would not feel anything romantic toward him, more like he'd be deeply traumatized :')
I'm afraid that instead of being truly sorry and repenting the author will give him a sadge story that will somehow work as an excuse for his behavior toward Dan. If they HAVE TO end up together and I know they will, I need for him to acknowledge all the f8cked up things he did to Dan, without a sobby backstory for him.
The hairy legs on the coach, damn, guy.
He's definitely not skipping the leg day.
So... why tf am I reading it? I shouldn't, this is making me gag, but I can't stop.
I really hope there's more to Yoona's story because for now her revenge bit is kinda overwhelming and too much
Oh the alcohol will be there and they will certainly kiss if not more :'0
Lmao it was so rushed. As if the author was like "y'know what f9ck it, I don't want to do this anymore, I got bored". But I'm glad Mujin understood the issue.
If I was Mido and I found this guy that abandoned me few years ago but is still actively looking for Mido and every time the name Mido is mentioned he gets all sad and teary... I'd want an explanation instead of r8ping the guy. Like. I'd prefer to hear him out, as a "friend" without telling him who I am and then if I didn't like the explanation of his actions, I'd do the revenge stuff. But r9pe revenge will NEVER be okay. Mido is not a forgivable guy in my head. I feel like there's no room for real love between the two. Just obsession and possesive behavior.
"And you have that thing" ye my guy, you have your love, give it to me. I will give you mine. Geeeeeez just kiss each other.
"he will like it he doesn't know it yet" "I used HIS money without consulting him first" "the cop guy might have expectation from me if I were to accept the offer" (he's right, the cop has some expectations, he, yet again didn't talk with him about yet)
idk I see some red flags... you don't buy people gifts, by stealing the money for the gift from them, and get mad at them when they don't accept, while also having expectations from them when they will accept
I started to like the cop but now i'm going back to disliking him
This one is one of the main reasons why I dislike omegaverse so much. R3pe, SA, r3pe, SA. I swear if the mc will fall in love with the ab8sive asshole I'm gonna... I saw from other people here that he will break his LEG later on?!
TF? And if the story made sense then okay, but it doesn't it's literally a big "I'm not gonna say what really happened out loud because if I did, all misuderstandings would go away and we wouldn't have r3pe scenes". Like, i'm tired of the "I didn't want to abandon him! I didn't show because-" and "I'm gonna take my revenge by ab8sing this guy even though it wasn't his fault that I was r3ped as a kid by some people after he didn't show up to the spot we were supposed to meet at and I won't even ask him for a reason why he didn't show up because I'm angy :((("
If Monkhwa's gonna be like "but I love my flower shop because it holds memories and it's something I worked on with my "mom" " and Kim will get mad at him for it I will lose my sh. Like.. you don't buy people gifts and force them to take them or else. Buying gifts is on Kim, he, himself, choses to buy them. Y'all remember that when you buy gifts for people without their knowledge or consent, they do not own you thanks or graditute ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
Pen and notebook = amazing prizes. Unless they mean notebook as a laptop. Tho in my country notebooks are the ones you open and scribble with pen inside, like writing lyrics or doing homework. Like a physical book you take notes in, not like a machine.
I didn't read the last 10 chapters or so. Did it get better? From what I see in the comments, it didn't. I think I will drop this one for good then :0
Damn boi, I had way more traumatizing past than you and I'm nice to other people.
Calm yourself and sit down and stop being sh9tty toward others.
I hope the "evil" guy will have some character development and it won't go "critical".
It was so stupid XD I love it.
Like? It was rushed, didn't have any sense, the plot was horrible, the translation is not that good, but heck.. the art is kinda nice and the smut is great.
Don't have any expectation toward this one and just ride with it.