Moriartea-chan January 24, 2025 12:03 pm

I was afraid that the author will be like "oh he saved him from drowning so kim will forgive him and they will have a happy ever after" but I'm glad Kim's still like "no, f8ck off"
Tho I don't know what would be able to repair this relationship. I don't think they should end up together.
He did grape him, treated him like sh9t, ab3sed him mentally and physically, etc.
I know it's fiction but in real life he would already have a restraining order, and Dan would not feel anything romantic toward him, more like he'd be deeply traumatized :')

Moriartea-chan December 13, 2024 9:10 am

I'm afraid that instead of being truly sorry and repenting the author will give him a sadge story that will somehow work as an excuse for his behavior toward Dan. If they HAVE TO end up together and I know they will, I need for him to acknowledge all the f8cked up things he did to Dan, without a sobby backstory for him.

    Moriartea-chan December 13, 2024 9:11 am

    Remember kids, sh9tty past might be a reason but it should NEVER be an excuse.

    Moonie December 13, 2024 9:16 am
    Remember kids, sh9tty past might be a reason but it should NEVER be an excuse. Moriartea-chan


    ReviewRaptor December 13, 2024 9:21 am

    I think it would only make sense to give him a good reason for his behavior. And mind you, it does not have to be an excuse, it's most of the time an explaination. Those are similar to some people, but not the same.

    I would love to know WHY he became the way he is. Tho it could be something as simple as him just being a regular narcissitic jerk and that got upped by being famous.
    Him apologizing and realizing he did wrong is a MUST however. Otherwise the story is just going to turn out being horseshit. And we see way too often that something happens, the uke needs a shoulder to cry on, jerk appears and says sorry for a second and then they fuck and are in a happy relationship. End. (I loathe those stories.)
    I hope he keeps struggling for a while, coming to realize he did wrong and his feelings too and then they have a good talk before starting things in terms of relationship. That would be my ideal way this story ends with them getting together.

    Moriartea-chan December 13, 2024 9:27 am
    I think it would only make sense to give him a good reason for his behavior. And mind you, it does not have to be an excuse, it's most of the time an explaination. Those are similar to some people, but not the ... ReviewRaptor

    I get where you come from, but unfortunately, most of the time, BL authors don't know the difference between an excuse and an explanation. And it's a thin line that not everyone can write well. I'm just afraid that this author won't be able to. :') I'd also want to know why but I'm just afraid that the author will be like "See, this is why he's like that, now Dan go and forgive him, he's sadge so you should feel sorry now"

    Moriartea-chan December 13, 2024 9:28 am
    I think it would only make sense to give him a good reason for his behavior. And mind you, it does not have to be an excuse, it's most of the time an explaination. Those are similar to some people, but not the ... ReviewRaptor

    So, ye, basically I totally agree with you, lmao. I'm just afraid that the author will not do a good job with the story hahahah

    Butterfly girl December 13, 2024 9:46 am

    Totally agree. That’s what I’m afraid of too. It might explain his shitty behaviour but it’s not an acceptable excuse. He needs to realise what he did wrong and grovel and beg.

    ReviewRaptor December 13, 2024 1:40 pm
    I get where you come from, but unfortunately, most of the time, BL authors don't know the difference between an excuse and an explanation. And it's a thin line that not everyone can write well. I'm just afraid ... Moriartea-chan

    I think it depends more on the reader half the time tbh.
    It's like offense: It's taken, not given. And it's up to the observer to choose which one aligns with their mindset. (Which is usually biased to the negative with characters like JJ. Take Endeavor from Hero Academia for example.)

    I have seen quite a few authors give explainations as to why someone became a bad person, but in the comments you basically only see comments yelling 'excuse' and getting angry. Whereas the writing was quite neutral or even clearly making it so you as the reader should understand well that this is just the explaination arc before the happy end. XD

    People love hating on characters these days after all. Even IF they are genuinely sorry and even change as a person; you can still find readers just denying any of that and acting like there was no change from the bad moments to now. Take the situation with Endeavor from Hero Academia: People denied any character developement (that clearly happened and was rather satisfying), change for the better and were seriously upset about him turning good/getting redemption instead of staying a bad guy. Author even got threats to their life for it. Just insane to think about tbh.

    I suspect this will happen anyway with this story too, people loathe JJ and do not even want to accept there could be a reason (they just want to stick with him 'being' bad, nothing else matters to them) but I hope this will be written decently and it'll be clearly just an explaination. I could care less if people cannot tell the difference if the writing explains it but does not make it an excuse.

    As for your second reply: No worries, I TOO am worried the author will mess this detail up. It's really the make or break for this story to end as a shitshow or a great read. And sadly, as you mentioned, MANY authors just cannot handle putting effort into this part of the story. Which is ironic since it's THE most important if you write a character dynamic like this one. :'D

    Fingers crossed it'll turn out good. Else, we wasted so much time and nerves on nothing. ┗( T﹏T )┛

Moriartea-chan October 26, 2024 8:51 am

The hairy legs on the coach, damn, guy.
He's definitely not skipping the leg day.

Moriartea-chan October 23, 2024 10:59 pm

So... why tf am I reading it? I shouldn't, this is making me gag, but I can't stop.

Moriartea-chan August 2, 2024 8:24 am

The watermark is killing me lmaoooo

Moriartea-chan July 8, 2024 1:56 pm

I really hope there's more to Yoona's story because for now her revenge bit is kinda overwhelming and too much

    Ciel July 8, 2024 2:03 pm

    What could possibly be there other than her being petty ?

    Bot July 8, 2024 2:06 pm

    Without her backstory i can alrdy tell how immature she is

    Moriartea-chan July 8, 2024 2:17 pm

    At least I hope she will get a redemption arc because I'm tired of BL stories where women are villains, lmao.

    Bot July 8, 2024 2:21 pm
    At least I hope she will get a redemption arc because I'm tired of BL stories where women are villains, lmao. Moriartea-chan

    Fr but, idunno i feel more angry when it's a male villain in bl manhwa, i feel like women villain are rare just my opinion

Moriartea-chan May 14, 2024 8:12 am

Oh the alcohol will be there and they will certainly kiss if not more :'0

    Any May 14, 2024 9:16 am

    Kiss kiss fall in love (=・ω・=)

Moriartea-chan May 14, 2024 8:05 am

Lmao it was so rushed. As if the author was like "y'know what f9ck it, I don't want to do this anymore, I got bored". But I'm glad Mujin understood the issue.

    taegilixl May 14, 2024 9:58 am

    I heard that they have side stories but who knows an if they do I hope to see mujin finding a partner

    Moriartea-chan May 14, 2024 12:24 pm
    I heard that they have side stories but who knows an if they do I hope to see mujin finding a partner taegilixl

    I hope he will

Moriartea-chan May 6, 2024 7:02 am

If I was Mido and I found this guy that abandoned me few years ago but is still actively looking for Mido and every time the name Mido is mentioned he gets all sad and teary... I'd want an explanation instead of r8ping the guy. Like. I'd prefer to hear him out, as a "friend" without telling him who I am and then if I didn't like the explanation of his actions, I'd do the revenge stuff. But r9pe revenge will NEVER be okay. Mido is not a forgivable guy in my head. I feel like there's no room for real love between the two. Just obsession and possesive behavior.

Moriartea-chan May 3, 2024 8:11 pm

"And you have that thing" ye my guy, you have your love, give it to me. I will give you mine. Geeeeeez just kiss each other.

    dokja May 4, 2024 2:22 pm


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