so the start was confusing for me idk what happened like didnt the ml go to the evil princess's party? but hes still in the carriage? what was he trying to do by going there? and the evil princess's speech after the ml's scene, what does she mean by saying all those (she even took off her earrings which i also dont really get)? as for the 2nd part about the uncle ive already read explanations and understood it

The princess took off her earrings to show that she was going to donate them to the fundraiser. That’s something she would normally never do since she doesn’t actually care about the cause, she just wanted to make a big statement and bring back some of the attention to her. As for why the ML never left the carriage, I think it’s because he saw the event was already ruined, so he didn’t need to step in after all (but that’s my guess).

I thought he left early to purposely bring his carriage past Princess B**** party in the direction of his engagement party to show all the nobles that YES, there was indeed another party going on that was way more important than her party. I can’t remember how, but I thought evil princess purposely threw her party on the same day and had her gossip mill convince the nobles that the other party was just rumors. I might have to re-read the last 5 or so chapters.

be prepared yall their relationship is a whole fucking ass rollercoaster, when it goes up it goes high n fast when it goes down it goes low and fast too. so basically they r happy this chapter and the next they can be angry at each other already. well at least it aint that angsty like some stories out there and everything happens quite fast. so yea tighten your seatbelts and enjoy!
oh btw we r only halfway through the chapter yall theres another half to go

i swear readers always have issues with whoever the ml is in this kinda time travel or reincarnation novels when the ml is around her body's age, they say her mental age is too old so its paedophilia when shes with some guy of hundreds of years old, they say hes too old while she is just a child
people really cant give them a break huh ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍

That's why I like the maid in a tl novel one...
The body age gap is not that big, 4y, and her mental age is around the same as his... and romantic interest only happens after her current body grows...
I can deal with her mental age being way higher... my problem is that they are usually fauxcest, aka, the ml is a step or adopted brother... and they were raised for some time as family.
That's why I can't like (to say the least) comics like Beware od the brothers and The precious sister of the villainous grand duke. As someone who have a adopted sibling I can't help but feel really bad about it... family is family, blood ties or not...
┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍
so our mc is from this tribe or something where they can kinda control people so heres a little info on their tribe
they are split into ranks, like 1 star, 2 star, 6 star, etc., based on the number of "lines" thingy they have which can be seen on their eyes when they use their powers. in their tribe only a portion of their tribe people can awaken these powers and most people have 2 stars, very few can get 3 stars, 4 stars people can join this thing where they are educated to be candidates to be elders in their tribe in the future, and 5 stars are candidates to becoming the tribe leader, as for 6 stars, they havent had a tribe leader with 5 and above stars for many years already so if a person with 6 stars were to appear, they will definitely be the successor to the tribe leader position, and will be their whole tribes hope
our mc is 6 stars so the girl from the fire god's house or something will contact the tribe who has retreated to the wild to live in seclusion and a person with 4 star will be sent to go check mc n see if shes really part of their tribe. at this point no one knows how many stars she have n some only suspected her of being part of the tribe. mind you the 4 star guy they sent is WEAK like not his pwers but physically VERY WEAK he mind controlled the princes n made them not be able to move and was gonna take out mc away when the boy (forgot his name but the one whos always with them) kicked him on the leg n he fell cus hes so weak so the 2 kids saw their chance and started taking him down
she will be kidnapped by the prince of wei as he wanted her powers for his plans so he will force the 4 star guy to awaken her powers and they will realise she has 6 stars, prince snatched her when he saw her six stars but apparently the awkening process cant be stopped halfway if not it will be bad for her so 4 star guy tried to protect her since shes their hope so at this time 7th prince saved the day n when he saw blood on her face (awakening process was very painful n she had blood streaming down her eyes) he got angry, pushed 4 star guy away cus he thought 4 star guy was bad (i mean he did try to steal mc away soo) n hugged mc, prince of wei tried to snatch the girl but got killed, mc saw hallucinations of something scary and pushed the scary stuff away but that was 7th prince and mind control him to not be able to move. 4 star guy took her away back to his his tribe cus she was losing control due to the awakening stopping halfway and the only way to save her is to bring her back. he ordered 7th prince to forget about mc usijg his powers so he really forgot about her. 10 years later shes back but everyone except 7th prince remembers her and no one know why he forgot her but ever since that incident he never smiled and became cold hearted again so she made an attempt to get him to remember her
wow this was long but this is the plot up to chapter 118
shitty and really longwinded spoiler whoops
Oof that's gotta hurt ╥﹏╥
Ah i feel scared for the next chapters