Has anyone got the novel link pls. If not English then original Korean would do as well. (⊙…⊙ )
Would have been cuter if Jakeyung would've turned into smol size as well trying to babysit all of them.
Bruv just rawdogged him 5 minute ago and then got his tongue in the damn hole like shawty how's this legal
it isnt! hope this helped
I wanted something domestic and fluffy after all the main story angst but wtf is this bruh. It's the old same ol' borderline r*pey dubcon shit like c'mon man.
Thank lawd for the uncensored cuz now I know where exactly are the fap materials at
I hope both my dudes will settle the misunderstanding and beat up that twink ah bitch fast so we can progress to hot sexxxx
Babe wake up a whole 1 month of intermittent rawdogging episodes are so over
Idk but the art is slowly deteriorating the artist can only draw faces literally everything else is just bad
Which one of you mofos is back again fapping to this cuz this shit is back on top bruh.
For reallll the anatomy is so good it doesn't look like robots in human skin fucking
Lmfao true. The scenes in mid chapters are good I sometimes scroll through without reading the dialogues.
ikr it’s so fucking hot
Love seeing this horseass getting slapped around while he's strapped head to toe sitting on a bed lmfao
Has anyone got the novel link pls. If not English then original Korean would do as well.
(⊙…⊙ )