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marnie February 7, 2025 11:20 pm

Okay but among all of them I don't understand marteva the most your own brother went through hell deprived himself of freedom and after being tossed aside by a bastard , attempted to kill himself which made your mother to lose her mind and what ?? not only Did he support his father but also he personally put effort into the egg the enemy of his own brother to hatch just to relieve his father of his sin he betrayed his brother his mother by doing so like if I was the 5th prince I would kill the king take the throne and made sure to at least exile marteva

    Cheesecakes February 8, 2025 12:50 am

    Bro justified it by: 1- freedom 2- egg is innocent.

    I also don’t understand how the fuck that makes sense =_=, but at least the only thing I agree with is the egg being innocent.

    Erisu February 9, 2025 2:55 am

    I hope that the little brother the heir before the egg wakes up and the egg that hatched would stay with the titans, to be granted real freedom away from people that wants them king or dead.

marnie February 6, 2024 12:48 am

Spoiler......Mr cha chose his mother the one who turn hesso life into hell and just like that went on with his life leaving hesso to suffer so I want him to suffer too for turning a blind eye to all this evil things his mother did

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