lmao they just vanished into thin air and he was calm
dont fucking play w me rn and leave me on that cliffhanger.
also when kouta kissed haruomi noone addressed it???????? like hello he knew he had a bf wtf.
also i feel like all roads lead to sex lmao like whenever the maincouple is alone together they like jack each other off or something
what if i said i was going to feed caesar to the dogs.
if he doesnt get revenge soon or something im going to tear my hair out UGAHAGGAHAHUH
i feel like they only have physical attraction... like if esteban doesnt cry in pain and sadness bc lew like left him or something and he realizes he was an asshole...
like give character development pls
how do you have chocolate flavored condoms like if you use it normally doesnt the food like get in your ass and like if you still lick it off there eill stull be like residue?
guys why tf are these chapters so short i cant take it im gonna explode !!!!!!
the only thing i got from this was amensia, dream, family
my god my head hurts