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Lovelyballoon February 13, 2018 12:17 am

Hi guys, I'm searching for a manga that I read a long time ago ahah but I didn't scare it in my list.
I remember uke was a shy boy who adored seme during high school. Seme was injured by uke so he couldn't continue with baseball. They meet again after high school. Uke is rich and seme... No seme asks uke to take him at his house because he doesn't have a job (?). Ah, the uke was blonde while the seme has dark hair. Help me please

    Otakugirl February 13, 2018 12:42 am


    chrono February 13, 2018 12:56 am
    Lovelyballoon February 13, 2018 12:12 pm

    I saved a pic but I can't post here I will use Google images ahah. Thank you anyway

    chrono February 13, 2018 9:14 pm
    I saved a pic but I can't post here I will use Google images ahah. Thank you anyway Lovelyballoon

    If you get it, could you share the title?

    Lovelyballoon February 17, 2018 10:15 am
    If you get it, could you share the title? chrono

    Mujintou Ni Motte Iku Nara
    Sorry, I was busy with uni

    chrono February 17, 2018 10:27 am
    Mujintou Ni Motte Iku NaraSorry, I was busy with uni Lovelyballoon

    Di dove sei?? Io frequento il politecnico a Torino!

    Lovelyballoon February 17, 2018 4:13 pm

    Oddio, io frequento Palazzo Nuovo ahah
    Quel posto non merita di essere definito "Università".

    chrono February 17, 2018 5:03 pm

    Ahahahah a che anno sei?

    Lovelyballoon February 18, 2018 7:42 pm
    Ahahahah a che anno sei? chrono

    Primo anno c:

    chrono February 18, 2018 9:53 pm

    Terzo anno xD

    Lovelyballoon February 18, 2018 10:35 pm
    Terzo anno xD chrono

    Oh wow ahaha
    Comunque non avrei mai immaginato di beccare qualcuno di Torino su questo sito ahah

Lovelyballoon January 21, 2018 7:36 pm

Hi guys, I'm searching for a yaoi manga which is the sequelof another yaoi comic. Plot: an high school boh who admires "brothers". One day his friend invites him to his house. The boy meet the brother of his friend. The brother thought that the boy was a middle school student ahah. The big brother starts flirting with the boy but the protagonist doesn't like him. I remember the high school boy was blonde, petite with big eyes. The brother was tall and he created a video game loved by the petite boy. Sorry for the English

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Lovelyballoon January 21, 2018 7:23 pm


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