Coco November 11, 2024 6:22 pm

tell me when it gets better

Coco November 11, 2024 11:16 am

i kinda don't get the idea why this need a fanservice. i thought this was a serious political drama but it's actually a shoujo. then again aren't both main characters are still young teen? adding a fanservice that is ryu sangho feel so weird. their current size difference (and age) is a concern for any hint of romance to appear "now". i just think this story should focus on the politic and plot for now but ofc that's just my personal thoughts

Coco November 7, 2024 10:58 pm

well it wouldn't be a fluffy story if the mc didn't have fluffy personality.

it's just a wake up call chapter for mc which is the point. if you read the spoiler this story will be like this to the end

Coco November 2, 2024 1:08 pm

i think the brother look alike there's no way he's an illegitimate child. btw where can i find the raw online?

Coco October 13, 2024 6:06 pm

same i still can't see mc charm. everyone said she's talented but it's usually tell not show and every shows are always cheating through past life memory.. well i can appreciate she's trying her best for her family and peaceful life despite the difficult circumstances. what i mean the mc can be cute, charming and talented but they just dont show

    LeniSnow October 19, 2024 7:26 am

    I cant see it too. Multiple life of hurt vs just one life where mc is nice and all due to her remembering the past. She for the streets

Coco October 9, 2024 7:12 am

i don't think the story has become worse.
if thr art is better or really pretty i bet there will be less complain about the story lol
i just remembered it recently, how pretty/good art can really make a big difference of readers perspective

Coco October 7, 2024 10:56 pm

weirdly fun

Coco October 7, 2024 12:59 pm

u can disagree with me. he's an important character that drives this story, very necessary but as much as i want to sympathize, he has shown several instances of being rude and unappreciative which honestly can be toned down a bit. bc it feels like a messenge, "hey if you're miserable you can be unappreciative like coutas and if your friends are your true friends they will forgive you and even find a solution for you!"
it just feel out of place. moreover he had caused a victim, that one knight who lost his memories (although not directly, and he didn't know about it, but if he knew i bet be wouldn't care)
well his story hasn't ended tho, and maybe after this he will regret some of his actions
i actually being easy with him because he's just a kid, but being poor and miserable is not an excuse. he's not in the good kid camp.

    munkaei October 8, 2024 6:07 am

    I think you just don't understand how different experiences contributes to a person's outlook on life.
    A person who lived their life poor and feeding off the scraps of others will be understandably bitter and hating towards the world, because it feels like the world itself abandoned them. Agott was raised in a household where she was neglected and berated, leading her to be bitter, jealous, and insecure about herself and her abilities.
    What happens during the early stages of childhood greatly contributes to the ideology, personality, and (in some cases) temperament, and all of these children have experienced/or are in the middle of these important events.
    You can argue that Agott significantly improved from her previous, insecure self, which is true. However, you need to consider that Agott has an extensive support system, involving close friends that put in their all to support her, and two professors that truly care and provide the best for all of the girls. On the other hand, Coustas may have had a family in that travelling troupe, with Dagda as his adoptive father.
    The difference is that Coustas is withdrawn, and never shared his fears and insecurities, letting them build up inside. And when events happen that confirm his perspective of the world, such as learning the fact that magic that can be used to improve a person's life significantly was being withheld from the people, further imprinted the idea that the world is cold and unfair as it was when he was struggling as a young child.
    It's not Dagda's fault that he never noticed this darkness in Coustas, nor was it Coustas' fault for not confiding in him. Understandably, he didn't want to burden the man that saved his life. Coustas himself is a tragic character that clearly illustrates the harm caused to the people (both witch and non-witch alike) because of the rules surrounding magic.
    Seeing the recent chapters, I'm personally predicting that Coustas won't survive, serving as an example as the dangers of forbidden magic and the unneccessary sacrifices the laws of the witches cause.

    Coco October 8, 2024 8:41 am

    i understand bruh, but it's his friends reaction that feel a bit unrealistic to me. like, coco and tartar were too nice and understanding which actually also in character. but if the manga tried to give real life messenge then i dont think that there's a good real life messege from his story. i just feel that coustas story is more or less plot device to make coco and tartar, and most characters to question the law. i mean if i am not looking deep into it, if i have children mind that's what i will think of the messenge. but i am an adult so i won't argue with you

    Coco October 8, 2024 8:46 am

    also I am not reviewing it from humanitarian or psychological view, but from story-wise, like is his character necessary for story? is his story necessary? the answer yes it's necessary, but even if it isn't his story is as much as interesting. however seeing how far most of the children in this manga story goes, there is always nice message even agate has the best message imo. but courtas story hasn't delivered any nice message so far so it's STILL feel out of place. i will just trust author that there will be one good conclusion for him. tbh at this point i feel like his story going to be a cautionary tale probably who knows

    munkaei October 9, 2024 9:18 pm
    also I am not reviewing it from humanitarian or psychological view, but from story-wise, like is his character necessary for story? is his story necessary? the answer yes it's necessary, but even if it isn't hi... Coco

    That's the point. Most, if not all side characters serve as fodder to either develop the main cast or the stories, Coustas as a character is not different from Euini as they serve the same purpose to further the story.
    And it's obvious Coustas hasn't had a "nice message" yet, his character nor his story is fully fleshed out nor is it complete.
    I think you're just biased against him to be honest, because in your very first comment, you pinned the blame of Garuga's memory loss on Coustas, despite that incident being Ininia's fault. It was also her that gave him the final push down the path of the Brimhats. He is out of place because you dislike him as a character, and that's fine. But it's a little unfair to try and exclude him like that when you could've done the same with any other character in this series.

    Coco October 13, 2024 2:52 pm
    That's the point. Most, if not all side characters serve as fodder to either develop the main cast or the stories, Coustas as a character is not different from Euini as they serve the same purpose to further th... munkaei

    i just wanted to give example. but anyway other children didn't take so much screen time like euni but i understand that his story need more screen time to flesh out.

    after thinking about it more, actually the main reason for me feeling him out of place is probably the pace. like, he was happy with his friends with that flying device then the next time they meet again he's full of rage towards his friends, but dagda's injury wasn't his friends fault.

    i think that feeling should marinate more slowly, or if he didn't look so happy or if the event with the flying device didn't happen but changed it with something else with similar but less effect, it wouldn't feel too abrupt. his story/emotion keep going up and down. okay it's normal if it's real life. but story wise, can be neater. i said can be, i dont mean the current story is a mess at all. tbh this is just a small review from me. overall i still think that the story is gold.

    Coco October 13, 2024 3:04 pm
    That's the point. Most, if not all side characters serve as fodder to either develop the main cast or the stories, Coustas as a character is not different from Euini as they serve the same purpose to further th... munkaei

    btw why bring up fairness? that sounds too personal. he's currently different bc he's the main driver of the current plot (beside the mc) among the children, and his story hasn't ended yet, and compared to other his fate seems to go downhill (currently). so in that way he's special right now. so ofc i couldn't do it with any other characters. i mean i could do tartar and tetia but compared to coustas fast development, their story is still slowly cooking.

    but if you think/feel that i dont like him, then i dont find anything wrong with it. bc we are all have personal taste. just bc you like him dont mean i have to. and I have been trying to be objective as much as i can and i hope it come across like that

    sshlyst November 6, 2024 5:58 pm
    i just wanted to give example. but anyway other children didn't take so much screen time like euni but i understand that his story need more screen time to flesh out.after thinking about it more, actually the m... Coco

    Imo it feels more human the sudden change of his attitude
    In the meantime he found out they d have healed him (from his prespective he s only aware that everyone can use magic not the rules around it or that the healing magic was forgotten) but instead kept lying straight to his face at that point i d start to doubt if they even thought of me as a friend or just pitied him.
    That device was also the reason robbers who killed his father attacked which could sour the memory but i dont think he blames them for the attack
    From my prespective he s got more than enough reasons to feel resentful and betrayed
    In the end he thinks they Had the means to help him but acted otherwise and lied
    (over all i like your long analytic comment it s fun to have things to discuss and sorry if anything isn't clear english isn't my first language)

    Coco November 7, 2024 6:41 am
    Imo it feels more human the sudden change of his attitude In the meantime he found out they d have healed him (from his prespective he s only aware that everyone can use magic not the rules around it or that th... sshlyst

    yeah i can agree it's normal to get mad at them, actually i understand that part now he remind me of myself when i am depressed lol. i am trying to see it from different perspective. well it's not bad talking to you. have a nice day

Coco September 29, 2024 5:13 pm

i personally like it. at first i didn't like the common idea of a very strong mc with weak personality, typical mc that jp like. but at least it was backed with her past. it made me sympathize with her instead of finding her annoying. u know there are too many female protagonists with social anxiety out of nowhere or because of some simple small reason meh. this one doesn't shy away from the dark stuff, that bit of panels of her past really caught me off guard. i love it

Coco September 29, 2024 3:29 pm


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