Coco December 5, 2024 12:30 am

I didn't like it at first, he looked like a generic mob, and the big eyes looked very cartoonish or like really flashy shoujo manga
it broke the immersion when they said he'd very handsome... but after the new hairstyle he did look great. i also got around his personality after 20 chapters, at first his personality is too bubbly/positive to be real, make it hard to imagine a conflict, but fortunately the story provide enough interesting conflict which made me not focus on his personality. in fact, now it compliment the plot

Coco November 28, 2024 5:57 am

although there are a lot uncommon things here unlike in other bl, it didn't turn me off, instead it made me like this story so much.

1) ml r*aped mc, but then mc r*ped him back, an eye for an eye. i am tired of seeing bl where the mc have always to be the one suffer in the bed. ah yeah btw, they're totally SWITCH. they said it in story extra (novel). lol although both of them are reluctant when it's time to bottom and they both have complain with the other's performance. if someone has a good story with switch couple pelase rec me.l something.

2) also, BOTH had gotten married to women, and both had a son which is important because at that time period leaving a son to continue family lineage is important. in other bl, the couple usually chose not to marry opposite sex to have children, or if someone have a child, it will be the male lead again! i am happy for once that they still follow their time period custom which made me able to immerse myself, and yes that's they're really people from that time period, not a comic character with progressive mind given by the author through the fourth wall

3) they didn't have that kind of happy ever after ending. the end is kind of bitter sweet imo. i think even the author originally wanted them to not meet again in the end iirc but change her mind bc readers asked for them to meet again

4) the raise and fall of the mc and ml was kind of amazing. although i feel it's not entirely realistic but it also felt realistic. mc had reason why he wasn't punished for the treason you see, same with ml return to power, it doesn't feel like a plot armor. anyway i just really feel i had followed them for a lifetime

5) i like how both were good friend with that death friend. i feel like that person was the white moonlight for both for different reason. although i do have complain about him. but even as the emperor's ex he's not a third wheel, or have antagonistic role at all. overall all the side characters played their role impeccably. i even feel fond towards ml's son although he just showed up briefly

    Nagisa-sensei-fan November 29, 2024 12:01 am

    Can you please tell the name of the novel or where I can read it?

    Coco November 29, 2024 1:49 am
    Can you please tell the name of the novel or where I can read it? Nagisa-sensei-fan

    ah i hope you don't mind MTL ing because no one has translated this (there was once before but it stopped for unknown reason)

    Coco November 29, 2024 1:52 am
    Can you please tell the name of the novel or where I can read it? Nagisa-sensei-fan

    but if you want something similar like this and completely translated, you can read "the governor sickness" it's also historical with politic, you will feel like you followed both lead for a life time. unfortunately they're not switch. but the mc is a manly assassin. it was really angsty story because the world is quite dark, but both lead had really good relationship unlike in this manhua. it also got a manhua

    Nagisa-sensei-fan November 29, 2024 11:16 pm
    but if you want something similar like this and completely translated, you can read "the governor sickness" it's also historical with politic, you will feel like you followed both lead for a life time. unfortun... Coco

    Thank youuu for the link!!! I am actually reading the governor’s sickness rn and I like it sm!

Coco November 23, 2024 9:50 am

lmao i legit thought the chapter has ended when the ads "cafe mieix" showed up

Coco November 21, 2024 1:49 pm

lmao once they're together they're so embarrassing
there's no holding back at all at whispering sweet nothing
well it's embarrassing but after seeing the journey it's also warmth my heart

Coco November 19, 2024 2:44 am

i like how they didn't show MC's face when the pov is them.... does it mean MC's face actually looks different from other's perspective?

    ggggg November 19, 2024 4:22 pm

    I interpreted it as demonstrating that he’s a ‘mob character’ in everyone else’s story. Since generally authors don’t bother drawing the faces of mob characters.

    Coco November 20, 2024 1:45 am
    I interpreted it as demonstrating that he’s a ‘mob character’ in everyone else’s story. Since generally authors don’t bother drawing the faces of mob characters. ggggg

    oooh yeah that also one way to interpret it
    but he also ended up looking all mysterious lol

Coco November 19, 2024 2:43 am

he's so in love!

i can't help but to cheer on him!

so precious (*˘︶˘*).。*♡

keep this going! (ノ≧∇≦)ノ ミ ┻━┻

and no one will complain when they get together!
(っ˘з(˘⌣˘ )

Coco November 18, 2024 4:33 pm

i forgot how cassette work, so i didn't get it before.

(need confirmation from previous chapters)

for example this is RUN 3, PLAYER 1 used TAPE 1 to "record" aka saved all his current memory of RUN 1 & RUN 2 plus the memory he would have in the current RUN 3. In the next RUN 4, TAPE 1 will be automatically "turned on" and PLAYER 1 would remember the memory stored there (RUN 1, RUN 2, RUN 3)

however in RUN 4, PLAYER 1 didn't save or record anything.
this may happen:
1) PLAYER 1 continue to RUN 5, his TAPE 1 still playing. So he will have memory saved there (memory from RUN 1, 2 & 3) but he will not remember RUN 4. there will be gap in memory.
2) another player found TAPE 1 and turned it off, so in next RUN 5, PLAYER 1 will not have the data of TAPE 1 (he will forget RUN 1, RUN 2, RUN 3) basically he will forget everything and turn into an NPC in RUN 5. if he used a new tape, let's call it TAPE 2, he will have memory of RUN 5 in the next RUN 6. but as long as his TAPE 1 is still turned off, he will only remember RUN 5 and so on.

saving each run is the most important to prevent gap in memory and even if the previous tape is turned off or even erased/overrided, it won't matter since the content of the new tape will be the same as the previous tape (if it's true that the tape record all previous memory the player currently has, not only memory of the current run. so as long as the player doesn't forget anything, the tape will record everything).

it will still be safer to save with different tapes everytime to have at least "backup" although there will be gap in memory. however the tape seems to be random so it can't be controlled.

point of confusion though, there will be a lot of tape "turned on" or already used which will be very suspicious, except if everyone can recognize their previous tape and override the record. so most player probably used the same tape over and over again. or maybe if someone continue to save every run without fail, only their recent tape will be available and the previous tape will vanish?

also there are side A and side B. I don't remember whether it has come up and explained. need reread.

    macarrones33 November 18, 2024 5:54 pm

    it's so complicated but thank you

    Coco November 19, 2024 2:24 am
    it's so complicated but thank you macarrones33

    that's why the story is complicated

    i am trying hard to make it understandable.

    however what i explained probably not 100% true.

    at least in this chapter we got that "the daddy jokes dude" got back his memory when Bada "turned on" his TAPE. so i just tried to piece the "possible" explanation.

Coco November 16, 2024 1:06 am

well i mean, it's difficult to have a divorce in royal family. at this rate i don't think he will ever divorce her either if they ever survive this. i thought if shuki were going to end up with his childhood sweetheart, either she will return again before marriage or have the second prince die. i mean if she just run away with the other guy while the marriage still technically intact... um it's a bit difficult to imagine since this is a shoujo manga. it will be considered cheating right

Coco November 15, 2024 3:19 am

ooooo i feel as if the art improve a lot

Coco November 12, 2024 5:40 am

i like wei sheng ji more. he has more tragic backstory which make me fell more sympathetic compared to little yuan yuan's impressive background. Also WSJ has a unique personality and he had more time to grow up outside of female lead's infleunce. this make him a more complete person by his own compared to YY. even a plus that his character design (white hair and ice root) are also more attractive to me. this character concept is in line with vilain trope tho (he's supposed to be one too) which maybe why i like it so much.

but more importantly it's because he is already his own person before he become relevant to the female lead! oof i already said that but this is VERY IMPORTANT! i am not into male lead who always cling to female lead and doesn't feel like his own person without the female lead around. although i know it's a popular thing and i can still enjoy such read. But if someone better like WSJ why i need to choose little YY? that's bc he's still the male lead!

regardless i still love cultivation story. i only vaguely remember why i dropped this story before.... i will just reread it again and enjoy it will it last..

    Coco November 12, 2024 5:48 am

    although i also quite prejudiced for a male lead character... they're usually not a product of a forbidden relationship (although it's none of his or even his parents' fault); ==lmao it's not vampire knight== and usually if ML's body has deformity or unusual physical trait, author will usually make it to be something 'pretty'. blame the rule of male lead in webcomic/webnovel. huh maybe it's why he has such setting so he couldn't compete with male lead (╯°Д °)╯╧╧

    Chryselephantine November 19, 2024 3:41 pm

    As much as I like ML, I kind of agree that WSJ is a more sympathetic character and while he can stand alone with his strength, he honestly needs FL more than ML does. FL is realistically probably the only person who wont shame him for the deformity or being a product of inbreeding. Meanwhile ML is loved by everyone he meets, has no deformities and he is naturally talented and essentially perfect in every way except for his obsession with FL. The author gave WSJ such a tragic setting just to have him fall to the background. I am still in the mid 100s so not sure if WSJ develops feelings for FL beyond respect but I hope he doesn't otherwise I will feel so bad for him.

    Coco November 20, 2024 1:42 am
    As much as I like ML, I kind of agree that WSJ is a more sympathetic character and while he can stand alone with his strength, he honestly needs FL more than ML does. FL is realistically probably the only perso... Chryselephantine

    you make a great point! i will also feel bad for him if he feel for female lead. it's such an unfair game from the beginning too

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