damn i wish this a good setup for hirano coming out aroace, or something similar. imagine if it's just a setup for the usual "i am not attracted to anyone but you" trope. IF hirano is really aroace, this mangaka is goated. i thought he's going to blush in the end, thinking kissing kagiura, but nope not a bit. damn.

but i think hirano is probably just ace not aro. because then kagiura's feeling will be forever one-sided. will this still count as bl? i dont think sensei will do that and I don't think readers will accept that. but i am all in for an ace hirano. i mean, even miyano and sasaki haven't go to that stage yet.... i think they should progress first at least as the predecessor

i misunderstood you, stalking is bad, but you know if your teammate did something wrong and you just there to report it, you didn't do anything evil, just annoying and probably a bit hateful.
but i know your reason now. it's a bit hard to understand but basically soo-ah saw herself in tenka so she was shocked and didn't want tenka to do bad things, that's why she cried relieved here.
i knew what it looked like, soo-ah was at the cross-road of being an antagonist for tenka. She saw tenka as equal, so if tenka disappointed her, her approvement/respect/positive feeling would turn into a negative feeling, a common story. But it's not like she's bad person. She probably projected herself too much on tenka. actually relatable.
i wish she will stay for a long time and have good character development.
meanwhile, it's now shion who is at the crossroad of being an antagonist. what a plot twist.

lmao i didn't. even if she did, she technically didn't do anything wrong except the stalking and going out herself, reporting someone breaking a rule isn't wrong. If you don't understand, I said she's almost become tenka's antagonist because this is story about tenka. but if this is a story about soo-ah or someone else, she's not an antagonist. it is relative. if you don't know how to see into characters and beyond the story, don't even argue.
she also didn't hate tenka that way, she actually quite likes tenka a lot imo, it's just veiled with other feeling like inferiority. either you're too young, too inexperienced, or can't see past yourself that you can't see it

Technically? Dude, the length you go for So-ah is astonishing She did go with the intent of destroying Tenka, if she a good character, she'll talk to Tenka but she wasn't.
She didn't hate Tenka that way? Then in some capacity she did hate her lmao
Your language is very manipulative, no wonder you like her so much.

nah i just like to talk a lot. why i care that much about a fictional character. I have fun analyzing character. but it irks me when stranger on internet assume what i feel her tada in fact i never liked her but i respect the way author make a character like her thus giving her a chance to try to analyze her. it's not my problem if u don't agree with my characterization. i agree she has some negative feeling whether it's hate or something i am not the author so i left room for interpretation. have you never ever like and dislike someone at the same time?? at least you have seen character in book have that kind of complicated feeling right??
she sure did almost destroy tenka lol. it's bc if tenka came and if tenka dated sion as she suspected (which ofc tenka would never) it would disappoint soo-ah so she would destroy her. it's actually simple to me i just didn't understand why i have to spell it out to you if you didn't get it. you must not read a lot of high quality characterization like this manga. also you're allowed to have your own interpretation. if you just hate in jer it's fine too. it's not my business and why would i care

-Tenka on pedestal, not even Tenka did to Soo-ah, even Tenka never really recognize her as a rival.
She gets worked up by herself and kinda down-graded Tenka in her mind by not believing that Tenka will turn him down.
You can see in manga that Soo-ah was able to hear wtf they talk about, and she will report it to media despite the talk was about Tenka's career because she's a jealous bitch.
Also if you think that reading high quality manga made you a well-reader and more grounded adult then I suggest you to touch some grass.

well now you mentioned it, i am a bit wrong on that since you take it quite literally. she has her own motives. but the way she act from outside is like a "good" student trying to tell the teacher another student is playing hooky. the teacher would appreciate that, but other students? surely you jest.
also that kind of act has two possibilities, first the student is too innocent and just told the teacher bc it's the rule, second the student have more inner conflict about this and soo-ah type is the later which make her unlikeable compared to the first one. but without taking internal motive, from outside perspective you know, the teacher/authority will think she's a good nonproblematic trainee but her friends/co-workers would side eyes her surely. i said goody two shoes with that intention. i am not sure whether you will still find this wrong or not. is there another word to describe her type of action?

why do you think i have different perspective? i also agree with you it's soo-ah herself who think tenka like that. tenka didn't think about her like that.
i confused why you assume so much about what i think/mean when i never mentioned it. maybe you read my words too deeply?? there's no need to analyze each words and sentence structure english isn't even my first language so i probably messed up a lot in delivery. you just tiring yourself shrug.
sorry if i hurt you by saying that you don't understand a character and something along the way, as i said i get angry because you assumed too much about me. feel like you attacked me first but anyway let's just forget about it. i have lost interest in this meaningless exchange.
lastpy it feel to me you just tried to box character "oh she's good" and "she's bad" while i am just trying to broad the subject. my believe is no one is really good or bad. although my bad if i said soo ah is good, at least she's still much much better than other characters, she's not inheritently evil and just saying she's a bad person is... idk english word for it. also lastly, no she never intend to sell it to media when did it happen or mentioned?? you assumed thing about people again in a negative light. if you want touch grass i hope you find a green one

maaan whenever i really enjoyed a webtoon and look up at spoiler it never going well
but maybe they will change the ending, have my finger crossed.
but if not, why do they keep making webtoon with shit ending??
or is the ending is shit is actually just a rumor please please tell me

what i read on reddit was that they VERY SPOILER just turned back time to when he regressed so essentially the story will continue as we know it, except the girls will have memories of a future he doesnt have memories of, BUT the MC turns into a god before they turn back time, so i still think he is a god, and perhaps in the timeline they create when they turn back time, he will just turn into a god again bc i dont think their love can stop him from achiving his "goal" since hes not romantically involved with any of them

senpai design reminds me so much like lennox from mahoyaku, tall, glasses, a bit curly hair, silent but very considerate. lennox was never in my radar but now i understand a bit why my sister like him, ofc just a bit, bc senpai is definitely another character! i mean rather than lennox i prefer senpai so much more!

since i read the novel i think justus is a bit uncommon villain. he technically harold boss and here he looked just like a normal researcher, not a mad villain, not a mad scientist although he is supposedly. it seems so easy to just off him if it's a normal action manga, but this is actually a bit political right... harold has too many reason or excuse to take a long way to defeat the boss that literally in front of him and he have normal conversation with him, that actually a bit scary

i quite like this until this prick showed up
it isn't bc this prick is a prick
but bc the plot going to be similar to other idol stories
a band member will find their relationship and first trash talking and will try to separate them
when he actually just care a lot about his band mate
in the end everyone become friends
is this a staple of idol manga or what

it has been years but this remain my fav shoujo manga about reincarnation. only now i am thinking to randomly talk about this
- ever since beginning saeki idolized serena too much
- their romantic interaction in past life feel a bit juliet-romeo-esques, not my cup of tea since it feel less real
- in the past, man-woman interaction are limited so there's a small question to me whether they will still end up together if it's not the past. well it kinda partially proven with serizawa end game
- serena wanted to be a man so she would be able to stand side by side with saeki. if they became lover in this life, well yuuma could still be that, but with saeki's personality, yuuma would be more protected and spoiled as lover rather than someone side by side to him... serizawa was a bit different that saeki used to still see and treat her like his past best bud... although that's why i am bit disappointed that he treated her a bit like serena after they dated, but i am sure serizawa will call him out if he went overboard (this is mostly my headcanon)
- so by that, saeki and serizawa made a good and more interesting combo in shoujo manga. meanwhile saeki and yuuma would make a kinda generic pair in BL manga. yumma (the uke) being the younger bratty tsundere one with overprotective relative and saeki the lover who will kiss the ground he walked on (although honestly it will still be interesting)
- serizawa's past life as his best bud and being reincarnated as a girl made me thinking, did the past life wanted to be a girl and stay by saeki's side as a girl?? tbh i forgot a bit about this story, so was it ever mentioned? but i remember thinking or headcanoning, oh it seemed his past life liked saeki, or something... so tbh this is more BL than saeki no longer care of serena's current gender... bc nevertheless i think saeki actually liked yuuma mostly bc he used to be serena, a girl. compare it to serizawa past life as a man who want to be a girl for saeki ... this one feels more BL.... okay sorry forgive me this is my actual real reason.. anyway go read uragiri wa boku no namae o shiteru...
i am just sos hocked how pretty she is. i mean cute. what a level make up during that time period. instantly thinking her make up skill is better than maomao asdffg. ok i know maomao not even trying tjat hard