When the mc helped the love interest in his/her childhood and the love interest chases after em like a rabid dog
It's okay if it's just a memory he thought off after seeing her/him again but if it's the whole reason he's chasing after em- I just don't personally like it.. reply
As a fellow Christian myself, The whole "homophobia" thing going around Christians makes me irritated.
The 4 points I've mentioned here is an explanation to "I've never understood homophobia in the Christian Community"
1.) God ordered us to love ourselves, our brotherhood(other people), and our enemies.
I believe the so called "Christians" who HA...... reply
Long story short, my wifi disconnected so I lost all my progress on the flooring of a couple rooms ( took 30 mins )
I wanted to throw my laptop but just remembering the cost made me calm down reply