tikitiki January 4, 2025 7:01 am

Can't wait for Norton to curse that stupid pink haired bitch out and declare war on their country because the crown prince tried to murder him and his child now that Mc has a dragon she's pretty much safe kick rocks bitch ass crown prince

tikitiki January 3, 2025 8:07 am

What I'm really wondering is how the writer is going to convince us that she would male the awful decision to ever get back with that man.

Like this is the most realistic level headed straight out of abuse Mc we've had. It's lowkey cuz of that demon she has reminding her of her reality. But still. Even if she chose to go with the bustard mc it's only because she had literally no other options, her friends were being beaten and arrested for association with her and if she used Kian she'd probably die immediately. So what will be the reasoning behind how or why she could forgive this piece of manure that thinks it's human. Like literally why

tikitiki January 3, 2025 7:58 am

I really hope she freaking dies. I know authors who write stories like this get off on zero vindication for their main characters. They make them live through literal hell just to force them to forgive their abuser and live "happily" ever after with them. When in reality. That guy is 10000000% gonna end up pushing her down the stairs in a fit of rage or some shit.

That or find a hotter woman and through her away like hot garbage. I truly want for her to pass on and go to heaven and be at peace. I dont want her to have to watch Cesar struggle

tikitiki January 3, 2025 5:20 am

Whoever wrote this was going through a depressive episode. The story is just unfortunate with no real depth. This is what I write when I have depression brain lol this literally reminds me of something I wrote when I was trying not to k!)) Myself (years ago I'm fine now)

tikitiki December 30, 2024 8:48 am

I don't want them to be together but I do feel a bit of pity for him. Not in the positive way tho like I think he's a bit pathetic

tikitiki December 28, 2024 3:27 pm

Having to go to a monastery and fight on the BORDER of your country is shitty. Like awful, people are dying left and right constantly and your life is always on the line. Furthermore he technically doesn't have plot rebuff on his side anymore so he could very likely end up injured or something. I feel like that's a suitable punishment. Mind you his character like his personality as written by the author is somewhat obsessive. Even if all the restrictions where dropped he was still sincerely in love (or sincerely obsessed) with Reeze. I also think he sincerely believed that MC was colluding with her father because he trusted everything Reeze was saying. I'm not saying he's blameless I'm just saying I think he's being sufficiently punished. And plus if they take the dukedom from Cliff their will be no heir, Killeen already firmly rejected that offer when his father brought it up the first time so..

    Fit December 29, 2024 3:57 am

    Yeah! It was Killeon's very own wish to follow Reese/Author's every order even without her power to control because of his obsession with Reese.

    chocobuun January 2, 2025 10:55 pm

    Going to a monastery isn’t that bad though. You basically work as a nun and do basic chores, get food and shelter, and those who work at the church don’t judge you for your crimes as they believe in redemption. (At least from all the stories I read where the FL is the one who is sent to a monastery lmao).

    tikitiki January 3, 2025 8:24 am
    Going to a monastery isn’t that bad though. You basically work as a nun and do basic chores, get food and shelter, and those who work at the church don’t judge you for your crimes as they believe in redempt... chocobuun

    Really?? All the stories I read where the character gets sent to a monastery they are depicted as the worst things ever lol. The girl gets bullied, they are underfed and the priests and nuns are always mean as hell for no reason lmaoooooo but maybe I just read dramatic stories

tikitiki December 28, 2024 3:04 pm

Men are soooo irritating because how he slapping her around, telling her he basically hates her. Blaming her inability to have children (which is his fault) ON HER and then did I mention he slapped her in the face??? And now he's searching for her purple eyes and grabbing random women. This guy's a real shithead

tikitiki December 24, 2024 11:32 pm

How old is everyone?? Especially Mc I have no clue how old she is. Young enough for people to be saying she's the perfect age to get married and have kids (so early 20s?) But old enough to have adopted and raised 3 kids for 6 years???? And her best friend had already had a child by this point. I'm thinking Dielle or whatever must have had her kid at like 16 or 17? That way Mc would only be 23 years old.

That would also lowkey explain why she don't gaf about those teenagers she abandoned

    Min December 25, 2024 8:39 pm

    She didn't adopt or raise them she merely taught them. She was a teacher and nothing more.

    tikitiki December 26, 2024 3:21 am
    She didn't adopt or raise them she merely taught them. She was a teacher and nothing more. Min

    I mean she said she raised them. And she found them when they were kids so..

    Amanda January 3, 2025 7:44 pm
    I mean she said she raised them. And she found them when they were kids so.. tikitiki

    She did not raise them they don't even know her face

    tikitiki January 4, 2025 2:22 am
    She did not raise them they don't even know her face Amanda

    The way this really has nothing to do with my comment. Yall stuck on defending her bum ass whatever bruh if you find three ten year Olds, take them home. And then teach them everything they know for six years... you might as well be their mom whether you are neglectful or not all I'm saying is leaving a note wouldn't have been hard. A lil letter

tikitiki December 23, 2024 10:22 pm

I don't like Alicia but I can see what she is aiming for. Once that pos prince becomes a pos king, she won't have to worry about him anymore. Their relationship shop won't be mutual but she'll have enough power and influence where she could live the rest of her life never seeing the king again and it not be an issue. She's always wanted to rule that's all she's wanted in 3 lifetimes. Even if she has to eat pig shit off the floor apparently it's worth it to her.

tikitiki December 19, 2024 10:56 am

I don't normally do this but isn't Damien like the textbook definition of a sociopath? Is willing to do anything and everything to get his way. Nonchalantly will destroy his loved ones lives for his own benefit. A professional liar (the mines, the marchioness) and incapable or proper love, only showing intense obsession towards his so called "loved ones" spiraling out of control when he faces any form of failure or Repercretions for his actions. And finally no sense of empathy or sympathy towards ANYONE not even the woman he is so deeply obsessed with.

Actually he did show some level of empathy when he offered to kidnap Sophie for her.... my gawd this man's insane

    Drowsy December 19, 2024 3:30 pm

    i think hes just a man raised in a society where when you have the upper hand you should be able to get wtv you want and desire.

    tikitiki December 23, 2024 10:02 pm
    i think hes just a man raised in a society where when you have the upper hand you should be able to get wtv you want and desire. Drowsy

    You tryna tell me you think this guy had a full psychological breakdown because "he couldn't get his way"??? Agree to disagree

    Drowsy December 24, 2024 4:40 am
    You tryna tell me you think this guy had a full psychological breakdown because "he couldn't get his way"??? Agree to disagree tikitiki

    he quite literally lost his mind and did everything in his power to get her back

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