This manga has been ongoing for 7 years now, not that I wish for it to end or anything, but does anybody know how much longer will this manga last?

I know right? So much happened that we forget why they re doing that in the first place
I feel like it s a person too, lately i ve been thinking that it might be taejun since he s so active these days but i dont really think it s him
But! Maybe it will have something to do with that shrine back at hiryuu castle that soowon is not allowed to go
Btw i had pretty mixed feelings about soowon but i really hated the way he went to the shrine

i agree about the Shrine i also feel like its connected somehow,
about Soowon he's a character you hate for what he done but the you suddenly learn why he did that, thenyou become confuise, but for me betraying your friend and killing their love ones is something i hate so yeah i dont like him XD i also hate how he just went inside the shrine, i feel like he's trying to prove something and thats not him feels weird..

You put my messy, onfused feelings into words! (About soowon going into the shrine) it felt really wrong
I dont really know how i feel about soowon, cause i uaed to think that he should have just married Yona but then King Il was not having that so i'm not sure
The country was in a pretty messy state before and Yona didn't really know that and had practically no chance of going out into the world and discovering it
Oh and i mildly hate joo doh and really hate kye sok
I mean kye sok knew yona as a child and took care of them, how can he just want to kill them? And how can Joo Doh do all that suppressing feeling and try to kill Hak and Yona?
I mean, they re going a good job saving the country too so why not let them go?

What's up with the last chapter, though.
To a servant. Who? Me?
To a servant. Who? Me?
To a servant. Who? Me?
To a servant. Who? Me?
The end.

y people down vote? like thats exactly what i saw and it was hilarious but also not correct
"who? me?"
next page
"who? me?"
next page
"who? me?"
[internally] am i having a stroke
That was magnificent ending. xD