jackjack's experience ( All 0 )

jackjack's answer ( All 4 )

about question
jackjack 10 07,2024
nothing would change. even in a hypothertica world where literally everyone is gay.... they can still have babies. Ivf would still exist, Sperm doners and Surrogacy. The lgbt altho like every community have their own issues, the majority have eachother back. A lot of them would be willing to work together to help eachother. They are not selfish. Al......   1 reply
10 07,2024
jackjack 20 02,2024
1st- what i look like. 2nd- what i wished i looked like. he/him btw just wanna grow my hair cuz i miss it, probs have it more straight because LONG CURLY HAIR MANAGEMENT IS HELL (experience). I wanna match my dad's eyes (contacts)   reply
20 02,2024
context: my mom doesnt like my dad but they still live together. they had a fight and i was trying to calm things down. Im also (was and still am) on mental health medication for depression. my mom was shouting at this point. mom: "why dont you go take your pills and calm down." me: "thats not what they are for. thats for them i feel like i wann......   1 reply
17 02,2024
jackjack 24 04,2019
i can see why... i am not like this, but i can see why this is what i think the reason is : there is a difference between irl porn and hentai. i know this is about yaoi and gay sex specifically but im an using this to explain myself, and yaoi is a genre in the hentai/more ecchi spectrum and where shounen ai is the relationship. (yaoi can have h......   reply
24 04,2019

jackjack's question ( All 0 )

People are doing

did wanna get over my ex boyfriend

He has a girl now. Chat, does this mean I won? Cus I fr won, I didn't look for a partner asap LMAOO fuck men, all they do is LIE

1 hours
did song lyrics stuck in head

WHATCHU KNOW BOUT ME WHATCHU WHATCHU KNOW BOUT ME; thank you christopher sturniolo for getting that stuck in my head <3

1 hours
did tell what you are reading

Women of Zeus. Hilarious and sappy. Korean Zeus became a human [Ending Spoiler]

4 hours