Purpleturtle created a topic of Monday'saviour

i hope they adopt the cat

Purpleturtle created a topic of X's partner

yikes what the hell

Purpleturtle created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

he’s sooo silly lmfaooo my baby

Purpleturtle created a topic of Good night, baby

this is stupidity as fuck sorry

Purpleturtle created a topic of Gig of the Day

the chapters are a mess i can’t continue reading im so confused

i just wish they stopped referring to hyesung as MOM and AUNT

Purpleturtle created a topic of Nine to Nine

this kinda sucks !! anyways what’s the manga on the last slide with the child?

Purpleturtle created a topic of Sweet Not Sugar

wtf happened to the art style omg

Purpleturtle created a topic of Gig of the Day

pls just give yeonmin a happy life …

Purpleturtle created a topic of Can't Think Straight

so when will we apologize for being a homophobe

Purpleturtle created a topic of Can't Think Straight

so i’m back and asking if he will ever apologize for being extremely homophobic to garam

this whole story is getting weird

Purpleturtle created a topic of Can't Think Straight

will he ever apologize for being homophobic orrrrr

Purpleturtle created a topic of Punch Drunk Love
Purpleturtle created a topic of Can't Think Straight

sooo… will he ever sincerely apologize for being extremely homophobic and openly state that he is queer himself (and PLEASE not some oh i’m gay for you shit we’re not in 2018 anymore)

Purpleturtle created a topic of Our Sunny Days

aww is he gonna name the baby after his mom