hold on, y'all are telling me this not gonna have a happy ending because the author wants to write a different type of ending???????? whatttttt, no, no no noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooô

Hate the incubus. Hate the fact that he forced Yusa to give him bj and called Yusa his property. Hate Yusa too for not defending himself even though he knows he doesn't deserve any of the shits the Incubus has put him through. Hate how the author creates a stereotype couple with a bottom has low self-respect and is sensitive, devoted, insecure and too nice (would literally let people take advantage of him) while the top is so confident, controlling, ignorant, a little bit mean, and possessive.
Don't y'all find ourselves so funny for being happy with the bare minimum? The Incubus shows a tiny affection and we think it's so cute but now we are so worried that he will eat someone else and I know for a fact he won't cause the author wanted this kind REACTION from readers

for the people who gonna tell me "If u don't like it then don't read it" bla bla bla. bro, how am I supposed to know I like it or not if I haven't read it? And who are you to tell me what to do? Do u pay my bills? u don't. What if I read shitty stuff for research purposes? U don't know anything why assume everything?

My comment is my own realization of my own low standards and I want to share my thoughts with the people who feel the same as me. If this is your definition of the biggest affection and you feel happy to be treated like Yusa then good for ya. One last thing, I do not tell other people what to do, and not in any of my sentences try to convey that.
P/s: I understand what u want to tell me but everything has a scale, if we only see the world through one lens then how can we grow? Why settle for less when we deserve so much more? That's my point of view.
Guys, I just found out this manga has a live-action??????
Ooo nice news, i want to watch it. Thanks for mentioning
Wait really? Is there a set date when it'll be aired?
It’s actually a movie and it’s already out! Came out in like 2023
Oh boiii, that's good to hear! Do you remember the name of it like is it the same as the manga?
following because I need to see it toooooo
It's the same name as manga
yes and it's really cute
Thank you! I'll be watching this!