Came back. Clocked it from a mile away. This shit so ass thanks for bringing the lack of full female sexual comfortability into fiction Josei authors as if it ain’t already a reality, here fl is asking if it’s over. Truly well done
Peace out

Just my personal theory but I think she's asking if he's all the way in lol. And that would also make sense with him asking if she'd scold him for lying, because if it was about it being 'over' she would already feel the cum inside of her. No need to ask. So yeah, I think she's asking if he's fully in yet or nah

Age gap has to be large enough considering author popped in the same theme of ‘He’s not good with an oldie like me’, ‘He needs a fresh BRIGHTER YOUTHFUL WOMAN his age’. ‘Ah youth, so blissful.’ tropes. Even calling the girl who ran up to him a kid.
Man if these authors are going to make an age gap story, stop making it more fucking predatory by making the female lead view the male lead as ‘youthful’, or (immature). They never try this shit with an older man/younger woman combo. Always illegal to age as a woman
Either way, she said she graduated a long time ago and her views are weird so I’m dropping

I know it’s a historical manhwa and she’s the saintess and supposed to be ‘pure’ but like I’m tired of this ngl. They always present the scenario as a female lead that absolutely despises the idea of intimacy unless it’s with the male lead. Best believe if it was a saint that had a monthly requirement like that with women he would have been chilling. They could have made her monthly sex experience enjoyable but nooooo now it’s going to be some dumb possessive male lead that is stupidly angry that she’s been having it at all and wades his way into her life like that Blegh

How old is he. It’s really bothering me that she keeps saying ‘Kid kid kid child’ when referring to him and emphasising how young he is. And calling herself old old old when she’s like 32 I swear. This is pissing me off. Someone please confirm the age gap so I can drop this

From the way she keeps calling him a kid it sounded like he was in his late teens or something. Even that drunk man he beat up was talking about ‘dealing with adults’. Not sure how someone in their 20s can be called a child or treated as such so I’m guessing he’s 20-22, but if it’s their culture then fine. I guess it rubs me the wrong way since she clearly sees him as really young. Not to mention her age is constantly a topic of conversation as if her being 32 is criminal and old. She’s definitely not young, but she’s not 50 either

I’m utterly confused. Even if she is a family Doctor, shouting at the Duchess is allowed in which universe? Also addressing the Grand Duchess as ‘This woman’. Matter of fact in the latest chapter she pushes her as well. If this doesn’t get addressed I’m going to think it’s a flaw in the manhwa or the other characters didn’t hear it. Because it’s clearly a theme before
Hate pushy characters. When someone shows they’re not interested in the beginning, it’s weird to keep pressing their boundaries and act like their ‘walls’ mean nothing