Wow, the whole comment section just blew up. I did a research paper on the sex portrayal in media so I can definitely say the whole pornograohy aspect does more damage than good. To both the actors in it and the people watching it. There are countries banning it one after the other because pornography is increasing depression in the viewers and a whole lot of other problems. That said, I hope the porn stars do get to live a life they hoped and if they want to quit and start a new life then I hope they can do that happily without being subjected to the wrong end of people's

I think the only redeeming quality for Raymond upto this point is that he didn't cheat on Ian by sleeping around with other ppl ever since they started having sex.... According to his personality he could have easily swayed the princess even more by sleeping with her but he chose not to because in his own twisted way, he is in love with Ian....