I know that there always needs to be a second ML but I kinda want it to only remain platonic…. Idk I just thought reading it it would be better than him being second ML

Tongs created a topic of Surviving As A Maid

I sympathise with her helplessness, honestly I got hope that blonde bastard doesn’t get anywhere. Somewhere in chp 87? I think he said soemthing and I thought “wait a damn minute” . I hope that ash is able to stay in the world, and I hope that everyone around her stays together

Fuck you evans, crazy gay bastard

Tongs created a topic of Non Zero Sum

I don’t understand why this even exist. There is so many ways to illustrate the lows of a human but this is just beyond that, I hate this so much, I get scared reading the chapters. It’s too visceral, I get sick reading it. I think… I think suicide will be the ending and I can’t believe I’m saying this but I think that would be the best ending if the had committed suicide. It would give him more peace than living with 3 perverted maniacs. There is no word to describe what they are, they are devilish in their own way

Tongs created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

I mean… concepating is this way…

Tongs created a topic of One Side in Room

So far 2ch and I already like this, I would say the 2nd ch is what makes me think this will lead to a better plot, mainly cause what he is saying seems so real in my opinion, afraid to like some or being nervous on how you act…. Idk… I don’t wanna get too philosophical cause it really shouldn’t be but I’m hoping for a good one on this.

Or at least I hope so, now I’m just wondering how our girl will react when she finds out the closest person to her was the person that did all of this, those parts make me feel all giddy which I can’t wait for

Tongs created a topic of Beauty and the Beasts

Wow it’s still ongoing, I stopped when the peacock man was introduced

Tongs created a topic of Legs That Won't Walk

I’m kinda disappointed by the side story……… like…. What the heck do you mean another person
This is just a sex addicts dream side story at this point
Haha maybe someone paid the author…

Poor guy just can’t get it through her head. At the beginning I was like “why not date?”, I see why now.

Tongs created a topic of You lied to me

They are both messed up in the head…
Well I guess… that okay….
But did Yuma only get fucked up because of the other dude or…? Idk.. I don’t want to think too much
I guess they both are mean for each other lol

I’m not here to trash the trans…
I’m more concerned on the plot Ngl, like… CAN THE MC JUST HAVE A GOOD LIFE ! Either he leaves him or he doesn’t honestly… I’m not liking this waiting… like… LIKE CAN SOMEONE SPOIL ME WHAT HAPPENS !!

At the beginning of this manga someone said thag in the end he gets with the girl who is his childhood best friend, after this chapter I say PLEASE PLEASE LET THAT BE A LIE! He has more chemistry with the other guys, kaeda and the presidents brother…

This is why I will always be a fan of 2nd ML, he will be added to my loving collection ! But I’m willing to see sasaki turn away from tbe ML hehehe… I can’t wait, it felt like a big update for this one, but I can’t wait any longer for the chapters !!

Tongs created a topic of Sam Plays the Game

Yoochan likes brown (I forogt the name) brown likes Sami and Sami might like yoocha, but I guess not… it’s more like an arrow if this continues , but this is an interesting webtoon so far, also wow she’s super strong ! I guess those jogs aren’t for nothing

Tongs created a topic of Make him cry

This is sick and twisted….

Tongs created a topic of Inso's Law Webtoon

I read this for around 3-4 hours, up until midnight I alsmot finished it. It’s such a well written story… honestly I’m so glad that I read all 212 (for now) because even though I thought she would get with the other guys I still liked the story and it wasn’t just revolves around love interest as well, honestly… 3-4 hours spent nicely

Tongs created a topic of Chase the dragon

Are we gonna ignore that he had a child… AND 30 VHAPTERS OF IAN BEING A PSYCHO!! But still…where the hell did the little baby go ToT like… was it just there !?!! Did the aurthor decide to not make it important !! But it’s a baby….

Honestly the concept is funny to me, I didn’t expect it to be this short… like what else ? It’s a short story and it’s pretty decent for it to be a short story but holy macarony it must’ve been rough in the demon king ToT

Tongs created a topic of Studio Cabana

When I found this I was thinking about a TikTok video that show cased this manga, in the video it was saying how the girl(Haruki) was grooming/manipulating the boy (which is yuusuke) and I didn’t know the title of the book so when I found about Haruki and her affair with yuusuke I was like “NO I don’t wanna read thissss !!” Cause I got sad

But this this is actually pretty good so far, even his band mates want him to be happy and normal, there is issues with Haruki though, and glad that yuusuke is spotting it. I’m routing for a happy ending !! And the side characters from makis side is also very well written and most importantly doesn’t make me thrash my head (I’m looking at you dai)

Side note his band mates I think need to be more realistic with Haruki, but even one of the band mates said when she tells her the facts she just gets hurt.

I’m waiting for mail to confess or even better the other way around !!

Tongs created a topic of Bloody Lies

I can’t wait till Eugene leaves the father, it’s so obvi he doesn’t like him and he even cheated with Caleb, but I guess to Eugene it’s not but AHHHH 27 when he wanted to end it NOOOO, ah he will probably realize it soon so…