Where I come from if you're not married and squeezed a few kids out by 25, you're considered worthless. I'm 23 now, and I can't stand attending family functions cuz my relatives keep "advising" me to settle down with a boy. Bleh. I'd love to see their face when I announce I'm gay.
Marriage is a social construct. People can live together happily and have kids even without that. I understand that somewhere there may be some trouble with certain laws but still.. I personally don't like the whole marriage thing. I will never get married nor give birth cuz that is my decision. I may live with my lover if I ever find her/him but ......
I actually do not like marriage, when i hear people saying their getting married coz its the next thing on the list or the normal thing to do, it makes my skin crawl, i really can not stand it ughh. So married will definitely NOT be happening.
will you guys, like, get married one day ?