Wait but don't the step siblings have the same mother???

Look carefully in the relationships scheme. No. Sigurd was born from Jorga and mc's 1st wife. Juliette was born from mc and his 2nd wife. So they are step, not half, siblings. Iirc he'll take back Jorga's surname after the ceremony which will cut their step siblings relationship and allow them to marry.
I'm usually against this kind od step/adopted sibling to lovers trope. But somehow... in this one it works?

So, Andrim fell for ML lover, got engaged and married to her.
Andrim's (mc's) first wife cheated on him before their wedding with the ML, she got pregnant carrying ML's child, disguising it as andrim's son. Andrim's not dumb tho, idk why she thinks that'll work.
Juliette is Andrim bilogical daughter. After his first wife death, he remarried and had Julliette.

Clicked post before finishing
The rest:
The people bet on surviving beast an the prize are the beast "offsprings"... the last part of the show... is the beast mating with... "breeding slaves"... the 2 older siblings of the twin sisters... fortunately the novel doesn't describe it too much. They focus on mc and ml that are watching and ahem... strengthening their relationship.
The worst for me comes after... because their little brother was sold into slavery too... seggsual slavery more specifically... and Malakis dealing with the circus personel is doing the deed in front of the lil boys (yes, plural) that are going into that life and kinda teaching/training them about it. It talks more about Malaki's past, Lytro is there watching and listening, he gets involved, they fock in fron of everyone to prove Lytro accepts and loves him no matter what and so on...
The second is worst to me because it's more realistic than bestiality...
Nice try Diddy