The raws are on the Lezhin Korean site. I bought the last two chapters and even tho i don't understand anything, the ending seems very rushed. In chapter 5 nothing really happens, just alot of dialogue and there doesn't seem to be any much progress since the uke is interacting with basically everyone but the seme. It also shows few panels from the past but from what i can tell the seme doesn't seem to have some BIG reason for leaving.. just doesn't seem THAT deep. Now chapter 6 is alooottt longer (or at least seems this way) and it shows the seme being conflicted about being attracted to the uke in the past and same thing happens now that they are living back together. Half of the chapter they are just avoiding each other and then the uke confronts him and starts crying so the seme hugs him and then they have make up sex and that's the end.
Honestly i'm lowkey disappointed after buying the chapters. Most of the "progress" happens in the second half of the last chapter (excluding the smut scene) and it ends with them two laying in bad holding hands after the sex...nothing after that.. Just doesn't seem finished, and probably should have been a two volume kind of story since it really had potential.

Ok so the red haired girl whose cat died in season 1 just got introduced back in the first episode of season 3 and Wolfgang and her bonded instantly, Wolf even blushed when she said something awkward, i guess (havent got the time to google translate the ch yet). When the finale of season 2 happened with that cliffhanger i predicted that she will become Wolfgangs wife since i found it strange that the authors kept showing her in chapters as a background character( and showing her progress growing up) which most readers probably wouldnt notice if they didnt look closely.. and some of y'all called me crazy for my prediction, so let's see who is going to be right sweeetiesss.

I'm in a private group where som1 posted the raws but i'm not allowed to share them, sorry.. but i think they will most likely get posted on korean raw sites sooner or later ( you can only buy the chapters on kako, which means u need a korean phone number to register). Anyways from what i can tell she got hired as Wolfgangs personal guard as Shin requester in season 2 after that explosion in chapter 18. She's a total tomboy and a Wolf fan girl tho, Wolf and her are seen training and bonding together. From the pictures that were shared i didn't see Wolfs reaction to Shin saying he needs to find a wife, so maybe this is a flashback? Idk. Shin also has his hands bandaged in certain panels when he is seen smoking and throwing up but in other panels his hands seem to be fully healed so idk..

Yeah or waping... idk if it was called the same or something different during those historical times lol.. but yeah the scene seemed kinda weird to me, because when he is preparing the "hookah" he has clean/healed/perfect hands and then some old scenes of him and Wolf are shown so i'm guessing it's a flashback but then he is seen starting to cough from the smoke and throw up and his hands are bandaged but in the next pictures he seems to be passed out with the hookah next to him and the room being very smoky but his hands are back in perfect shape.. so yeah i'm confused, so gotta wait for the full chapter since the person who uploaded the chapters left out some scenes that felt repetitive.

Also Shin's legs are shown when he is taking of his pants and they are also bandaged but you can still see that his legs haven't healed and probably never will. All the Shin specific scenes are mostly him barely talking, being alone and thinking, while Wolfgang seems like his normal self introducing the girl into the kingdom, showing her around and training with her. There is a scene of Wolf, Shin, the girl and some other knights who are competing to become Wolfs guard sitting at a table having a big dinner and Shin excuses himself and leaves early.

For those of y'all who keep spamming "OMG ULYSSES RUINED THE MOMENT, THEY WERE ABOUT TO CONFESS TO EACH OTHER" stop, because no they were not and what's the point of spamming the same comments over and over again? And FYI when Wolfgang and Shin said they had to tell each other something, yes Wolfgang maybe would have confessed however, we don't know for sure, but what we do know is that he would get rejected since what Shin wanted to tell him was to "get a wife and bear children and become happy". So stop blaming the duke.
For those who have seen the spoilers, can somebody tell me what happened to the guy with the eye patch and Alex(i think that was his name?)?