“I am, I’m home.” awwwwwww my heart almost explode lol <3
“There’s no fool like a fool in love” umm did you meant yourself sir Jaeshin? bahahahahaha
huwaaaa need to wait longer but it’s okay i will wait!
I want to smack his head so bad! ugh he is so annoying ahahahhaa
i want to hug him so bad :( no one especially no kids deserve to be blame like that :(
awww that’s so sweet of jaeshin checking about nok’s mother for him <3 i cry a little bit because i can imagine how nok’s feeling. must be hard to keep blaming himself for his mother’s death ;( i hope he can forgive himself and continue living his life and be happy.
I think I will die first before I get to see Ritsu confess to Takano :)
Awww this is so adorable! As expected from this author <3
hahahahahhahahahah i can smell a big shitty drama is coming
fck this cliffhanger is killing me even though I’ve already read the novel gahhhhhhhhh
the alpha is so frustrating hahahhaa. but oh well, what can u expect from alpha right?