However I can't ignore the fact that the translations from Spanish and English and very vefy different...
For example, in spanish Asami says "Just give up and accept me" at the last bubbleninstead of "Bring it on". In another one, he says "I'll try not to get involved your work again" but in english it says something like "I was making sure he didn't hit you again like that" (I dont remember exactly but I think it was something like that).
I don't say this in order to criticize, actually is totally the opposite.
Translators, you guys... Thank you. Spanish, Chinese, English, whatever... It's thanks to you that we can read this while we can't wait for the Sublime english official translation...
And I love to compare the translations, it gives us different perspectives!
Love these three extras! I can't wait for the next issue of the magazine!
I loved this from the beginning to the end. I loved the plot. The seme was perfect, one of the best semes I have encountered in my four years of being a fujoshi. The only thing I don't like is that I'm seeing it's completed. I wish there could be more! ... Okay, I'll calm down. It's good that it wasn't unnecesarily dragged so that is amazing. I love this. Definetely in my top 10.
Thank you translators!
You love= You don't cheat.
You don't love = You cheat (in this case, many people who don't love but care still they don't cheat).
You regret? Of course, we all make mistakes. But DAMN YOU DON't DO IT THRICE OR MANY MORE TIMES...
Arata, you did wrong. You don't beat your partner even if you regretted and suffered after that, but still, I kind of share the hurt.
I'm unsatisfied with this ending but I love sensei's works and that is the only reason I don't regret reading this.
If you excuse me I'll be reading some fluffy BL manga... ( ̄へ ̄)
I need some fluffy manga to heal my heart right now. I'm crying like a freaking three years old kid and I can't... I just can't... I loved the first lover and it breaks my heart to think that Taeyul will suffer for this....
It's hurting...