Sue March 8, 2025 1:21 pm

Please dont use terms like islamophobic.
A Phobia is a medical condition, hate is not.
Its not a Phobia its a mindset and its not excusable with a Panic disorder.

Sue January 12, 2025 12:22 pm

I really like this author because they create complex characters with personal biases and psychological trauma.
It is interesting to see the reaction to that from people, who try to catagorize those in the normal black and white of the BL genre and are so sure how they would react in such an extreme setting.
I am a horror fan so I am here for the phsycho horror and the propably bad but definetly twisted ending.

    BenneX January 13, 2025 10:09 pm

    Same- the dystopian setting makes the plot much more interesting than just calling it “another rape Yaoi.” We expect the depravity and brutality but then there are moments of hope and humanity in something like this that make the story as a whole standout. The mystery behind Seonho and Won’s past also keep me coming back.

    Sera January 15, 2025 8:35 pm
    Same- the dystopian setting makes the plot much more interesting than just calling it “another rape Yaoi.” We expect the depravity and brutality but then there are moments of hope and humanity in something... BenneX

    If they end up together then no it's just a fucked up story

Sue January 12, 2025 11:53 am

It feels a bit like "easy target". Good story and complex characters but also very depressing and I know that author has no problem with fucked up endings, so I know absolutly anything can happen.
Even though I dont really like rape scenes its nice to know that it is not romantasized here.
I have the feeling this will end up like "easy target". An intense story that i enjoyed reading but wouldnt want to reread because its just too depressing ^^°
Also why are there no women in this world?
Did only men survive?

I really love the double meaning of the titel though. Makes you wonder who are the ones that have gone rotten. The zombies or the survivers?

Sue November 27, 2024 9:54 am

How can you damn her like that?
She is just a kid with shitty adults in her life.
I think it is more than kindness but the actually dutie of adults to show kids how to be better instead of just repeating the bad behavier.
Its not enough to know better, you also have to do better.
Yes this means its not always fair to yourself and sometimes they may not even deserve it.
But if you fight fire with fire the whole world will burn.
If you start fighting unkindness with kindness however we have a chance of a kinder world.

    you tweeted this November 27, 2024 10:02 am

    thats what ive been trying to tell people for the past couple of weeks. damn these idiots treated her like she's all villain. miok is just a kid doing stupid stuffs yet these adult are worse than her. god.

    Pheonix:3 November 27, 2024 12:02 pm

    Probably because she gave out someone’s info without their consent, tried to hook them up with someone despite that person already being content in their relationship, say she couldn’t accept their relationship despite Mr Seal paying for her college and generally being there for her the whole time, etc. I do agree tho that shes young and will say and do dumb stuff. This was a cute panel

    you tweeted this November 27, 2024 3:36 pm
    Probably because she gave out someone’s info without their consent, tried to hook them up with someone despite that person already being content in their relationship, say she couldn’t accept their relation... Pheonix:3

    mr. kwon didn’t even get that upset with her, yet people immediately labeled her as some sort of devious woman who deserves to fuck off. telling her curse words. sure, being young doesn’t excuse her mistakes, and yes, she should learn from them. but everything eventually work out, and it’s so obvious right from the start. the problem is, once you say terrible things about someone, you can’t undo that shit. people got mad, valid, but i just can't fathom the fact that they treated her like a piece of shit.

    you tweeted this November 27, 2024 3:39 pm

    and y'all know who deserves to be cussed out like that,,, the purple haired bitch from A Child Who Looks Like Me now compare her to mi-ok

    Pheonix:3 November 27, 2024 4:44 pm
    mr. kwon didn’t even get that upset with her, yet people immediately labeled her as some sort of devious woman who deserves to fuck off. telling her curse words. sure, being young doesn’t excuse her mistake... you tweeted this

    Personally I didn’t say much on her but o was only angry with the fact she said she couldn’t accept his relationship despite him doing so much for her. Besides that I don’t think she’s some kind of devil lady

    Pheonix:3 November 27, 2024 4:44 pm
    and y'all know who deserves to be cussed out like that,,, the purple haired bitch from A Child Who Looks Like Me now compare her to mi-ok you tweeted this

    Idk who that is ╥﹏╥

    you tweeted this November 28, 2024 3:37 am
    Idk who that is ╥﹏╥ Pheonix:3

    read that, its good.

Sue September 11, 2024 7:35 pm

I know I should just enjoy the story but my OCD keeps screaming because the baby seat should go against the direction of travel ><
Just have to post this so my brain will be quiet... continue please

    mari-san September 11, 2024 7:40 pm


    Merriebun September 12, 2024 10:27 am

    Name. Your. Child.

Sue September 8, 2024 12:48 pm

Srysly every time I think this story couldnt get any cuter the author does something like that baby kiss in the end and I die all over again
Thank you so much for creating this

Sue September 8, 2024 12:45 pm

People, espacially parents driving unsafe on their bikes, is actually something that stresses me in real live, because I see it all the time on the streets.
There is actually a quite depressing number of kids getting hurt real bad because of that and it is rising because people started to transport children in cargo bikes.
So when I saw him on the bike my first thought was: "This is dangerous and where is your helmet?"
I was so relieved when it was actually pointed out.
Thanks for that ^^

Sue September 1, 2024 8:10 am

Are condom sizes different in Korea?
Because i can fit my hand and half my forearm into a regular size in europe.
Thats something a teacher showed us in case a guy would come with that "its too small" crap.
So if XL is too small that would mean he must be bigger than my forearm...

    ar1el September 1, 2024 11:15 am

    although condoms are really stretchy it can be uncomfortable for men if they're not in they're size

    it like putting on tights (pantyhose) that are way to small for u like if ur a size 14 putting on a size 4

    although you could stretch the tights it would be uncomfortable

    and korean sizings for condoms are similar to that you'd find it europe but for main drugstore brands in korea you probably wouldn't find a xl or xxl
    like how u wouldn't find a xxl in europe
    i believe korean and most other asian sizing is one size or two lower than europe
    but it heavily depends on the brand
    bc western brands like durex use the same sizing no matter the country

    Unknown September 1, 2024 3:41 pm
    although condoms are really stretchy it can be uncomfortable for men if they're not in they're size it like putting on tights (pantyhose) that are way to small for u like if ur a size 14 putting on a size 4alth... ar1el

    Wasn't japans condoms small than Korea

    ar1el September 3, 2024 7:25 pm
    Wasn't japans condoms small than Korea Unknown

    a lot of asian brands instead of the more popular western ones (use regular european/american sizing) opt for smaller sizing due the the country's average size being yk on the smaller side

    Sue September 8, 2024 12:32 pm
    although condoms are really stretchy it can be uncomfortable for men if they're not in they're size it like putting on tights (pantyhose) that are way to small for u like if ur a size 14 putting on a size 4alth... ar1el

    Thanks for satisfying my curiousity :)

Sue September 1, 2024 8:08 am

Since I am a person to always research pretty much everything I cant really relate to being surprised by teething symptoms.
So honest question here: Do a lot of parent get surprised by their kids starting to teeth and the symptoms that come with it?
Espacially when kids start to chew and suck more than usually teething would be my very first assumption.

    baby September 1, 2024 7:16 pm

    some people aren’t around kids or new parents that much so they don’t know much. mc also wasn’t exactly prepared for the baby. he just got the baby handed to him all of a sudden. so i’m guessing he’s just taking it day by day & researched basic things (diapers, milk) and i feel like even if they knew the baby is teething, they would be shocked & scared to see the blood. even as someone that’s around babies pretty much my whole life, i was shocked too

    Sue September 8, 2024 12:36 pm
    some people aren’t around kids or new parents that much so they don’t know much. mc also wasn’t exactly prepared for the baby. he just got the baby handed to him all of a sudden. so i’m guessing he’s ... baby

    Thats true, he cerntantly had more pressing issues in mind being a sudden father.
    Thanks for your perspective

Sue June 6, 2024 8:43 am

There was zero pedophile action between the ml and six as a kid.
And that a twelve year old has a crush on an adult? How is that different to teenager having a celbrity crush?
And yes it is a crush and a very reasonable one at that. Marlon was the first adult being nice to him and twelve year old kids are old enough to develope sexual interest without having any clue about what to do with their own feelings... its called puberty.

Yes there is human trafficing of minors. But its not like thats not a real thing happening to kids all over the world. Thats reality not sexual fantasy.
If you see that as a kink or project it on someone who did zero sexual action against the kid thats your problem not the stories.
Just because pedophily and human trafficing of minors are part of a story does not mean they are in anyway romantasized or justified.
There is a clear warning tag that human trafficing of minors is a theme.
If you have a problem with that and still keep reading thats on you, not the author.

    GHOST June 6, 2024 2:42 pm

    The problem is Marlon’s response to Six, not the child trafficking. He offers to hook a 12 year old child up for sex with a third party, allows himself to be fully naked after having sex in front of a child (obviously adult nudity in front of a child is fine given context, like a father bathing his son) and how he treats the topic of child prostitution and sex as a normal thing that hes just not interested in. That’s still fucked up beyond reason. Doesn’t matter how “desensitised” he may be, if its a common theme or not in his line of work. Plenty of IRL cases show how fucked up people who are around those things get, and how they are forever haunted by it rather than becoming used to it.

    I said it in my most recent topic. Stories can have dark topics. I enjoy stories with dark topics. This story normalises part of it, being the willing exposure of sexual conduct in front of a child that’s supposed to be from a character who will be a love interest for him. It is not treated as a flaw or as something bad. THAT is the issue.

    People are allowed to criticise something when they see problems with it. The problem is when you have to reach to try and justify something as disgusting as this.

    Person June 10, 2024 11:07 pm

    Just in, knowingly fucking someone infront of a child and then asking them whether they want to have sex, offering to find them a woman, isn't pedophillia.

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