Just to be clear...the color pages on this specific story...are not colored by a group member of Lewd4Yaoi Scans. They are from a group that is working with us on this story.
>>>So the argument that we are taking this "personal" or do not like "feedback" or "criticism" doesn't even apply to us. It's not my group's coloring. BUT! Nevertheless, I still stand by my words due to the principle of the matter. I appreciate the group's contribution of the color pages to us.
Besides that, my group DOES have colorists, and we do put them in our stories, and will continue to do so. If this isn't to your liking, then that is unfortunate, and you can choose if you would like to continue the story once you see Lewd4Yaoi Scans is doing it.
This is a hobby.
Not a job.
We do this for fun.
Not to be graded.
Or picked at or prodded.
But thus is life, no one is ever happy or satisfied. We do not expect people to love everything we do. But...it's a hobby. We do it more for ourselves, than anything else. & we choose to share our hobby with you all.
If you want us to translate (not originally the author's), clean (not originally the author's), typeset (not originally the author's) redraw dikks (not originally the author's)....you're already veering from the "author's work." So that point makes no sense, whatsoever.
Trying to split hairs & say it's different won't cut it. It's all the same. We are adding things that weren't there originally.
Hopefully those of you who dislike them, will get past it, and just enjoy the story as a whole for what it is.
You were able to take lots of time to write on mangago continuously about it, so I'm sure you can take 2 seconds (blinking takes longer) to scroll past whatever you may dislike.
No one is saying you can't voice your opinion; feel free to do so. But for rude or condescending comments, I won't always turn the other cheek.
Hopefully this drama will die down, because...it's taking away from the story. People are trying to talk about the story, but are being ignored and the drama is getting attention instead, and that's not how it should be.
Hope y'all will enjoy Chapter 5 & 5.5 (▰˘◡˘▰)
Ryoko Nicole
Group Leader
Lewd4Yaoi Scans

Regardless on what other (priviledged) people say, I will be forever grateful to those who take the time and effort to translate, clean, and typeset these mangas. To be honest, you guys need not even defend why you put on colored pages or whatever. I'm happy enough to be able to read and understand mangas brought by scan/translator groups.
It's not like we are paying for it; so I don't really get where all these people coming from, feeling that they're priviledged enough to say rude remarks and thoughtlessly order you guys on what to do.
Thank you, and kudos. You will always have my support. ヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

Scan groups are not saying you have to like or love their projects; but why hate on something provided out of love??
Thank you to the readers that appreciate ANY scan groups work! Scan groups spend lots of time, money, and effort to bring you a project they want to share with you all.
Readers that have an issue with how a scan group portrays a story, should honestly just stick to the original Japanese raws. Scan groups cannot & would be impossible to cater to each individual readers preference &/or opinion.
To the readers that appreciate the opportunity to read something in a language they can understand & understands each scan group will have their flaws, own personalities, & creative ways they want to express, THANK YOU!
Ryoko Nicole
Group Leader
Lewd4Yaoi Scans

Honey, you really shouldn’t have so much hate in your mind
For what I read in the comments below there r lots of complaints that is very common cuz is something common to see.
Nobody will stop reading just because there is a colored page or different dick drawings...
Just hope u can find it in your heart to be more amicable, and not see every single thing as an insult.
Is nice to consider other views than your own, even if is an ilegal work it doesn’t mean u can’t take suggestions, if u don’t like then just don’t consider at all... no need to be mad about it

Don’t know if you couldn’t find a better word, but “hate” is extreme. Calm down please.
Yes, I know. Humans love to complain while they continue to eat what they’re complaining about. It is what it is.
I hope you readers can find it in your hearts to stop whining & complaining so much about 1 thing & focus more on the story. People are more interested with gossiping & starting drama than discussing the story & plot.
I considered other suggestions. And declined them. See? Simple.
No one is mad, it’s called flabbergasted. Exasperated. Confused at the entitlement.
Why can darts be thrown, but when i catch them & flick them back, it’s an issue?
But anyway honey, it is what it is, huh?

I said hate cuz u are seeing hate in others comments and being very rude responding then, u are even mocking me by repeating my words and twisting them.
As far as I know I didn’t write anything rude. So please don’t answer me so rudely.
They are not whining and complaining just because u didn’t like their comments, they are trying to talk to people that think the same as them, and what’s wrong in that?
Is just taste, there r people that don’t like painted mangas or don’t like rock or don’t like blues... so let them share what they think cuz they r not being hateful.. but u r answering hateful
U don’t usually decline suggestions, even in the industry world that’s just a rude thing to do. U don’t need to take the suggestion and that’s all.
And yes, you can say whatever the hell you want in the internet but people really do expect the minimum of respect.
I’ve been reading from this site for 7 years more or less, and i didn’t saw the lewdscans much so I not sure if they are new or not, but the other never have that much problem with the comments. (Don’t take that as an offense please, I read since I was a kid so i doo normally read the scans message, I even donate to some sites when the need donations)
I just saw about 2 scans put abou 10 pages before the actual anime stars and it is a weird thing, is too much pages and I do read them all so I can recognize them.
I remember I even followed one scans that was perfect to my taste (I don’t usually do that) and is something fun uknow?
Normally the intention in the comments is to get some recommendations of mangas to read so the can find the ones that they like the most cuz is fun and a pleasant feeling.. but you r just making them sad with the rude and mocking answers, u can do it but it isn’t very nice to make people feel bad for nothing.
Hope u can understand my point of view
Tanks for the attention (*´-`)

No you are being rude and hateful. One of the scanlators explained the reason behind their statements, in one of the comments below, before you even posted your first comment on this thread. Then you have the GALL to attack a perfectly reasonable comment by calling IT aggressive yet not noticing the plank in your own eye? You started off aggressive, 'honey'.

Well, I never imagined that the word “honey” was offensive, cuz I normally use it so I didn’t think I would offend anyone (sorry if it did offended)... I never said anything hateful, if I did pls quote that cuz what maybe offensive to you may not be offensive to me, like “honey” as you said.
Nobody was atacking the scan when they posted their opinions that they don’t like the colored pages.. I surely can’t see offense in that,, is just an opinion that they wanted to share and maybe be heard.. so responding that’s their opinion is “cancerous” and that they need a slap and all that is very rude don’t you think?
I hope you can understand my point of view, if u can’t, I’m sorry I bothered you..

Honey is no different than "sweetheart" or "boo boo". It can be seen as condescending, dry or sarcastic; which that is how it was taken.
"Nobody was atacking the scan" .....so calling it "shit" or "ugly" isn't attacking?
Oh...ok. Cool.
I said that the people talking shit are cancerous. Don't try to take my words out of context & group it into one big ball. Tsk.
Guess what? You are cancerous. B/C you keep spreading lies, mis-stating facts, and paraphrasing things incorrectly. Do you know what copy & paste is? Do that. Do that for what I have said instead of trying to reword things I have said. B/c all you are doing is inflating the story. Stirring the pot.
How do people have such time to complain or whine, but can't take TWO seconds to swipe past a colored page?
I'm baffled.

Again you being rude when I didn’t even said anything to offend you (as far as I know)... I don’t get that
I dindt read any one say “shit” but I could have missed it .. the “ugly” one I saw and it was for the coloring and not you so u getting mad at that I can understand.. I don’t get your rudeness to me or some people that didn’t try to offend or anything like that..
Again you calling me names for me not liking your rude attitude.. that just shows that you are not even trying to underestandd what I was saying
I’m guessing I don’t need to quote now since you just called me cancerous for .. unnn .. don’t really know why, sry.
And I’m sorry too that you think that “Honey” is offensive but I can assure yo I was trying to be kind.. I’m a foreign so for me that had no other deep meaning to it so I’m sorry
Well I guess no matter how much I say that i like colored pages and that I did cleaned (I translated from time to time in my original language) in my youth days, you won’t stop being rude to me.. sooo
I hope you won’t call me offensive names anymore than that

scan groups deserve more appreciation tbh i mean they really do work hard on these mangas like imagine ; some of them have school or uni or work meaning they are busy and they spend money from their own pockets to buy the raws and try to find the time to work on those raws in order to share them with us and they are always in the risk of getting sued by the artist so it's really tough work. that manga you read in like 5 minutes they spend days on so a little bit of appreciation and a "thank you for the hardwork" means a lot to them. and actually, those colored pages they put are an extra, they don't really have to include them but they still do it for the readers, i take it as a thank you from the group for the readers who appreciate and support their work and i always enjoy and save those colored pages because they are good and i love the coloring but if ppl keep hating on them for something so simple then it's really rude and stops encouraging them
take a second to actually think about the hard work these ppl put for you before bitching about it

Scan groups are not saying you have to like it or love their projects; but why hate on something provided out of love??
Thank you to the readers that appreciate ANY scan groups work! Scan groups spend lots of time, money, and effort to bring you a project they want to share with you all.
Readers that have an issue with how a scan group portrays a story, should honestly just stick to the original Japanese raws. Scan groups cannot & would be impossible to cater to each individual readers preference &/or opinion.
To the readers that appreciate the opportunity to read something in a language they can understand & understands each scan group will have their flaws, own personalities, & creative ways they want to express, THANK YOU!
Ryoko Nicole
Group Leader
Lewd4Yaoi Scans

If our scans aren't to your liking.
Drop the story.
No one is forcing you to read it.
You didn't pay for this work or contribute to this work; so there are no refunds needed.
Move on to the next one.
Ryoko Nicole
Group Leader
Lewd4Yaoi Scans

You really are being extremely rude.
If we don't like what we're reading we'll stop, obviously. There is no need to get so defensive.
As someone working in 'entertainment' you should already be used to people disagreeing with your work. You can never please everyone.
We appreciate all the work you guys have but, and this is my personal opinion, the colored pages really are distracting and cut the flow of the story. It would be interesting to see them, for example, at the end. Like 'bonus pages' or something.

Excuse me? I am being extremely rude?
Am I supposed to beg & cower for people do read our work??
Are you blind or just trying to be showcase as a bad ass?
There are rude & mean comments being spewed at my group up in this comment section...and I can't respond? How dare you? Why don't you speak to your fellow readers and ask them to articulate themselves better & not come off as ungrateful & entitled brats?
Since when can a person NOT respond to things said to them? We only can take it??
>>No....there's no OBVIOUSLY for stopping to read a story. Since someone in the comment section said we are FORCING them to read our work....sooooooo....yea. There's not common sense prevalent around here.
& oh, we know & we don't try to please anyone but ourselves, since you know, it's our project we paid & worked on & chose to share publicly.
The color page is distracting b/c you pause to take in the picture. Scroll past it as soon as you see it, it takes 1 second.
Blinking takes longer.

Why are you getting so defensive? My god, "beg & cower"?
I'm just going to assume you have been doing this for a while so it shouldn't come as a surprise to have people insult you (I'm not saying it's a good thing or something to be proud of). Everyone likes and dislikes things. And people will say bad things about anything, especially on the internet.
The way you're handling this is wrong, or at least not the most mature way. This may come as harsh but you need to suck it up because people are going to keep insulting you and I doubt you'll respond to everyone.
You're way fired up about a couple of comments, you don't know us and we don't know you. And yes people will obviously stop if they realllllly want to.
The whole 'we paid, we do the work, we publish and you complain' we know, we get it, every group complains about it. Everyone that comes onto the internet to read manga for free knows that it is illegal but we still do it, and you still do it.
Ps: that blinking part was funny

Yes, "beg and cower"
Because guess what? One of your fellow readers said [quote] we "needed" readers to read our stories, why else would we post it publicly....yea. That was said.
So like I said, "beg & cower" because apparently we need readers to read our work so we can get an imaginary paycheck.
Insults mean nothing; my soul, ego, & heart weren't affected. But do not be a hypocrite & say that anytime someone says something you disagree with or if they slander you, you close your mouth & don't say anything.
Just like readers have a "right" to state their opinion, we also have a "right" to respond~~~or no?
Why do you feel like it should just be a 1-way street??
Your "handling" of whatever situation is your perception of how you [think] things should be done. To each their own.
If we lose readers. So be it. Lose followers. So be it.
Of course I can not, and will not respond to everyone, but if I feel compelled to speak. I can. Just like readers do.
I'm not "fired up." You don't know me or my personality. I am vivacious & chalk full of energy around the clock; this is nothing dear.
I'm currently editing stories, and watching a re-run of Hunter x Hunter while simultaneously pausing to reply. I'm a multi-tasker; shrug.
& you're right, I don't know you. I don't know the lady at Starbucks that gave me my Dragonfruit tea lemonade, but I spoke to her. So what's your point?
Funny how you glazed over how I mentioned their were rude readers, & didn't address them, but you feel the need to monitor the way I want to speak.
& Yuuuuuuuuuuup; it's illegal. It ain't your stuff. So get over it if you don't like it.
Move on...or blink.
P.S. I know. Thnx.

I guess I can't make you see what I'm trying to say and I think you're getting more and more upset.
Basically: people are assholes and they'll say whatever they want, yes they are rude and mean but you don't have to respond the same way.
And yeah, when someone criticizes me in a non-constructive and negative way I'll argue back but then I just know that whatever they say won't change the way I do things so why bother?
You don't know then, they don't know you, so why are you so upset? Just ignore them, you don't have to put up with them. By responding rudely (yes I still think you were) you're just the same. Why bother? This is just making you more upset over some and quote ''ungrateful & entitled brats".
That's what I mean by sucking it up and ignore. I'm not saying you can't or shouldn't answer (I mean who am I to say that to you?) it's just... why bother?
Did it make you any happier?
And I'm not 'monitoring' what you say. I'm talking to you, I'm answering according to what you write. I didn't read all the other comments.
What's with the 'get over it if you don't like it'? I didn't say I didn't like it. I was trying to give up a constructive suggestion on those colored pages.

I don't know what you're reading that makes you think i'm upset?
Maybe because I'm writing more words than you're used to? It's only a double space. It's not a lot.
I'm not upset. Not cursing throwing insults or foaming at the mouth.
So calm down with this "upset" nonsense.
I'm writing just as much as you are. Do you see me calling you "upset"? Okay then.
Moving on.
Yea, I feel better speaking my mind rather than holding it in. Sooooo....I don't regret at all engaging with anyone on here, you included.
This isn't a business, nor are any scan groups held to a certain standard of how they have to respond to readers. Even the tamest groups have their moments when readers annoy them, and some are passive aggressive & fire shots back at readers.
We all do it.
Every. Single. One. Of. Us.
We are human. It's my choice to choose whether to reply or not. I did. I'm not backtracking.
The "why bother" can be applied to everything and anything in life. But people...do bother to. All the time. This is no different. Just b/c you don't understand, doesn't mean it has no reason.
The "get over it if you don't like it" is a general statement to the rude commentators who spew insults at the color pages being included in the story. I said it in laymen terms, but one second.
"It's unfortunate for those of you that may see the color pages as a distraction; they aren't going anywhere. You can continue the story knowing that, or no longer continue to read it."
Is that better? ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶
And....you're responding to what I write? Without being educated on the background behind it?
If someone yells at someone to "LEAVE ME ALONE" are you going to immediately say, "That was rude." without asking what happened, & why they reacted like that. Maybe the other person grabbed them, harassed them, you don't know....knowing you just made a statement unaware of the nonsense that has happened, just...I no longer have anything to say to you~~you're just speaking, just to speak now.
So before you come marching your horn talking about "rude" there's a cause & effect. You don't have to see my responses as right, but they're [mine.] About [my] work. Regarding [my] group. So I have right to respond about [my] thoughts about things said.
We have come to a stale impasse.
┗( T﹏T )┛
Good day dear. You may have the last word. I won't be responding this post to engage with you. I guess you can write for whoever is following this feed.
Have a blessed day! ヾ(☆▽☆)

My group is willing to pick this title up. I believe the original group is...disbanding/indefinite hiatus? If so, we would be happy to continue this story. If a raw provider would like to assist, that would help. If not, then we will wait until the digital volume is released for Chapter 7 and on. If by then another group has taken up this story, great, even better!
You can reach out to me by email at [email protected] or our tumblr https://lewd4yaoi.tumblr.com/
Thank you,
Ryoko Nicole
Group Leader
Lewd4Yaoi Scans

You can read it here! It just got licensed in English, yayyyy!!! https://www.ebookrenta.com/renta/sc/frm/item/139146/
Will be released per the schedule on our Tumblr!