I wanted to ask why is it okay to upload your translated work on Mangago and other manga hosting site when most creators hate these kinds of site and the creators don't get anything from this. I'm a silent reader on mangago and I don't have the right to criticize what you do but I'm just curious.also I do support some creators by buying their work but it's just too costly which is why I read on manga hosting sites.

Hi about the colored pages, I didn't know if you would see my response so I'm writing it here also cause I don't want you to think I don't like what you guys do. "Well I wasn't mad about it or anything. After all you guys do it for free and all. I was just expressing myself on colored pages cause that's just how I feel about them. I get caught watching the colors and I lose track for a bit. I would feel the same if the actual mangaka did this as well. But I guess it rubbed you off the wrong way. Sorry :("

I will continue to post this as much as I can.
I have amazon in the USA. Do I have to sign up for Amazon Jp to get the kindle version?
To purchase on Kindle, it says you would have to go to “Manage Your Content and Devices” and change your Country/a Region settings for your Kindle settings
Okay, thanks. I appreciate your help!
My pleasure!! Enjoyyyyyyyyyyyy!