Genboxxy August 28, 2024 11:24 am

If you can actually read this: thank you so much for picking up this work. I too, have 0 patience in reading ongoing works specially if I know there are already raws out there that I unfortunately also can't read hahah (yeah I can use translator apps but mangas with a lot of dialogues and panels can get quite frustrating to read quickly).

You did really well for a first time translator/typesetter. Thanks again for your service!

Genboxxy August 26, 2024 2:03 am

which is interesting because there's an effort for plot building here- it's a light plot and there's a bit of tension but the misunderstandings are not dragged on which is great. Maybe coz it's only the uke that's a dynamic character here, the only one who has character development. The seme is too good, so good that he ended up being a flat character throughout the story-- a gary stu + manic pixie dream boy if you will. If you're into that type of ML or maybe ur just tired of the rampant red flags in other works, you might enjoy this one.

Genboxxy August 25, 2024 11:40 pm

I started reading this despite being ongoing because the characters gripped me and the plot, though not that intense is also interesting enough for me. But now, it's just like uke on his recent races-- not hitting the spot at all.

I was still on it wit both leads thinking oh the uke is just a bit dumb, he'll reflect later and realize that a huge chunk of the seme blowing up was due to his reckless behavior, or oh the seme is a sadboi who can't say shizz and then suddenly blows up but surely he'll also reflect and realize that the uke does love him too, they just have different ways of showing it. But nope, those bad traits are just taken on the side and amplified even worse with the recent developments, it's starting to feel frustrating to read.

I'm really hoping that the author gets back on track with the plot and character development and not just focus on the smut (not that I'm complaining, there's not a lot of bratty uke in BLs, I actually like their dynamic on this).

Genboxxy August 24, 2024 3:41 pm

It's also borderline incestuous (uke was seme's mom's bf). Uke was never into seme til the very end, was only swayed into dating coz as the plot said, he's a big pushover who can't say no. This seme also has yandere vibes on the low, I'd like to see him with the uke from "Save me, will you?"-- it'll be chaotic.

Genboxxy August 17, 2024 9:12 pm

It barely pass as BL fr. 3.5/5 for me, not frustrating to read but too fast paced. I love the pair's dynamic, banters like that usually create tension that sets the stage for doki doki fluffy moments (which it did!) but the story is quite forgettable because it's so cliche, it blends in so easily not just with other BLs but even Shoujos. I feel like the prompt for this story really started with that heat-induced scene and the author just worked around it which is why it ended up being an omegaverse BL. Also throughout this story, the uke never once had a panel where he actually kissed the seme but did it with the 2nd lead instead hahah. I'm sounding so malicious here but it feels like author just doesn't want to actually draw boys (who look like boys/masculine) kissing each other, it's gotta be het in appearance with at least one of them looking so femme; or maybe they're just not used to drawing it, or just due to creative license, who knows? yuri might also be a good venture for the author.

Genboxxy August 15, 2024 6:37 pm

when I say psychological with a clingy uke x obsessive seme pairing, this shizz is what I'm talking about! I really don't like it when one of the leads is a doormat for the toxic lead, matter of fact it annoys me. But this one really gets me going, it's a messed up affair with obvious power dynamic but because of the character's personalities and motives it kinda balances it out.

I feel like the uke will go full bonkers in the future episodes, probs when his father becomes worse or simply something about his mental state deteriorating (he seems to acknowledge already that he imagines stuffs and has delusions, also that notebook/journal could originally be an initiative to aid in his bad memory), also I think the twins might do something to their dynamic as well to keep the seme on his leash. I just can't wait for the next season to be released.

I also read from a commenter that this is adapted from a novel? if you guys have some spoilers on what happens next, please drop it here-- this is a spoiler-pro zone. Really, I'm a sucker for those things and trust me when I say I'm not the only one too.

    Crow-bug August 23, 2024 6:07 am

    Somethin about this one ... it's Special

Genboxxy August 15, 2024 12:22 pm

I get the thrill of the uke enacting revenge but really, what will that accomplish at this point? they already like each other, maybe not on the same wavelength, but still there's mutual understanding there.

So let's say uke kills the seme, then he kills himself and then what? they'll just end up being fertilizers and nothing more. Uke's loved ones are already dead and seme isn't going on a killing spree offing noble houses left and right as he please, he's actually following orders, he's not Seungho from POTN, the seme himself is just a puppet to the royals, so if he dies, the brutality will not cease, he just gets replaced like the rest of 'em (specially now when 2 strong figureheads against the monarchy are already dead). Plus uke is already being tortured on his own because of his shifting feelings.

The only way for uke to actually hurt seme is to outwardly reject his affection in a "push n pull way"- if he can play mind games with him, to use everything that seme likes about him against him, so say if it's his sexuality, he might go on a rampage and sleep with a bunch of other dudes, that will really get to the seme's nerves, to make him crave him even more and be maddingly obsessed about him, and since he won't kill uke, it'll fester even worse until he eventually do kill him himself (plus if he kills too much of the other dudes that's another strike on his already fragile social standing). Seme will surely regret killing uke with his own hands, which will haunt him for the rest of his life -- that kind of revenge I believe is a fate worse than death rather just straight up offing each other--what is this a stage play?

But then that plot would be out of character for the uke since his profile is proud and prudish, in any case if he really just want to off seme, he could just try it and then off himself regardless if the seme lives or not, does it matter whether it's successful? he did the assassination like intended anyway (it will also reduce collateral damage), and since the seme likes him already, him offing himself while the seme lives on will surely cause great emotional damage to seme too, might even lose his mind, who knows? that's a much better revenge.

Of course, these are all just my takes on this so far. I see death as a peaceful escape, it's the method of how one reached it that gives it sting. If the uke succeeded in this plotpoint of offing seme by poisoning him and then stabbing each other, it's just so theatrical for me really, I don't care much for it, he basically just gave seme slumber as means of death, when it should be far worse considering uke's drives and motives. Now, if he did poison seme and he suffered illness that gets worse as time moves on, that's another good revenge because the seme actually suffers for it and he is unknowingly at the mercy of uke during those times. Otherwise, just let them kiss kiss fall in love LMAO

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 16, 2024 2:35 am

    Of course we want revenge. Put yourself in Yeonjo's shoes. His entire family was killed and, would you be with the person who killed your family?

    Girl, I know the seggs is hot, that's why u wrote this, but I hope u take it back once your braincells work again.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 16, 2024 2:36 am
    Of course we want revenge. Put yourself in Yeonjo's shoes. His entire family was killed and, would you be with the person who killed your family?Girl, I know the seggs is hot, that's why u wrote this, but I hop... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    Doesn't matter if the governor is a puppet. If I were Yeonjo, I would obliterate them all.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 16, 2024 2:39 am
    Doesn't matter if the governor is a puppet. If I were Yeonjo, I would obliterate them all. b r o k e n b a l l a d

    And don't even get me started on the cliché "if I were YJ's family, I want him not to take revenge. I want him live a simple life." but no, now that the trauma had been done, there's no way he could do that than commit revenge.

    Let's just say the governor's a puppet, then, at least don't stay or be in a relationship or fall with the man who killed your family???

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 16, 2024 2:39 am

    Honestly, if the governor wasn't hot and the seggs wasn't hot, you all wouldn't be saying this to keep the damned governor alive.

    Genboxxy August 16, 2024 4:26 am
    Honestly, if the governor wasn't hot and the seggs wasn't hot, you all wouldn't be saying this to keep the damned governor alive. b r o k e n b a l l a d

    yo, did you even read what I wrote in full? I never said about the uke not doing revenge, if anything, I said he could go even harder if his purpose is to hurt seme and continue with the revenge. Killing is just lazy writing and disrespects the integrity and complexity of the plot, a mediocre ending. I just find it ridiculous how those who favor killing seme always have ya'll panties up in a bunch trying to be different when like I said, it won't accomplish anything at this point if the uke do succeed, because he's already being tortured by his own feelings and seme is just one of the many replaceable puppets for the royalty. Basically nothing matters to the seme but the uke and his position in this part of the story, so if the uke really wants him suffer, it's not by killing seme, it's either stripping seme of his power (which he can't do) or by killing himself (uke) instead.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 16, 2024 4:32 am
    yo, did you even read what I wrote in full? I never said about the uke not doing revenge, if anything, I said he could go even harder if his purpose is to hurt seme and continue with the revenge. Killing is jus... Genboxxy

    Even if in your eyes, killing the governor would not make him suffer, it's what the uke wants. Even if it's useless, to him, it's his ultimate goal and it must be done. Sometimes, a useless thing isn't useless to someone.

    Although I want the seme to suffer more too, but if YJ decided at first that killing him was what would settle everything, then that's it.

    Also, he could just use the poison, weaken him and torture him. If that helps.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 16, 2024 4:37 am
    yo, did you even read what I wrote in full? I never said about the uke not doing revenge, if anything, I said he could go even harder if his purpose is to hurt seme and continue with the revenge. Killing is jus... Genboxxy

    I just don't like that the governor was merely called a puppet. He has his own mind. If he truly didn't want to kill the family, he could've sacrificed his life and let whoever ordered him kill him for not obeying. I'm not saying that's easy to do, I just don't like seeing people defend him like he's pure and blameless just because he's a "puppet."

    He still killed. An eye for an eye. He's not a non-living thing who couldn't decide. He's not a sword who's just a tool. He's basically an assassin even though it wasn't his choice to do so. So i still think he shouldn't be regarded as mere puppet. What he had done to YJ's family, he also deserves it to be done to him.

    Genboxxy August 16, 2024 4:46 am
    Even if in your eyes, killing the governor would not make him suffer, it's what the uke wants. Even if it's useless, to him, it's his ultimate goal and it must be done. Sometimes, a useless thing isn't useless ... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    Yes, that is what the uke wants-- on the first chapters of this story, but in this timeline here, it's not, he convinces himself but he's already dwindling and it's already hurting him just thinking about continuing it. If he just wanted to do the assassination to have a peace of mind, then he should've done it as swiftly and quickly as he can, whether he succeed or not, it doesn't matter since the act of revenge was taken anyway. It's his hubris that's his downfall, he think he can take on the seme by meticulous planning and now he's realizing that he can't, not just due to the emotional aspects but also because of a more realistic expectation (he's now doubting if the poison and stabbing are actually enough to kill him)

    Genboxxy August 16, 2024 4:57 am
    I just don't like that the governor was merely called a puppet. He has his own mind. If he truly didn't want to kill the family, he could've sacrificed his life and let whoever ordered him kill him for not obey... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    daheck, that's an awful and boring storyline "he could've sacrificed his life and let whoever ordered him kill him for not obeying" also that would be so out of character for the seme, he already killed hundreds, if not thousands at that point, and then he's going to make an exception for one noble house? for what? what will be his motive at that time? he doesn't care for the uke then.

    You're clearly only able to see in black and white, when these characters here are all in the gray zone and that what makes this work so good. Also who here actually says that the seme is pure and blameless? lots of commenters including those who would like for them to end up together thinks he's a mad dog. Also, yeah, he is a puppet and will continue to be one because he likes the feeling of having power and that was only made possible and continues to be possible by acting as a puppet for whatever dirty crap those above him asks him to do.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 16, 2024 8:36 am
    daheck, that's an awful and boring storyline "he could've sacrificed his life and let whoever ordered him kill him for not obeying" also that would be so out of character for the seme, he already killed hundred... Genboxxy

    I'm not gonna argue about the out of character seme. That's the whole point, that's his character. You just proved my point that he's not an innocent guy.

    I just said that because the way you worded it feels like he shouldn't be blamed when you, yourself admitted that it's just his character to be ambitious and he likes power. That just means, he deserves death too for killing an entire family even though he's just a puppet.

    About the boring story line, that's literally the characteristic of a main character. Even if he's pushed to the limit, he'd rather harm himself than harm others. That's literally why the seme is perceived as evil-ish, because of his ambition and that.

    Also, black and white? Grey zone? Girl, he killed an entire family, for the last time. There's no black and white here. Murderer is a Murderer no matter what, whether he was forced to do so.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 16, 2024 8:38 am
    Yes, that is what the uke wants-- on the first chapters of this story, but in this timeline here, it's not, he convinces himself but he's already dwindling and it's already hurting him just thinking about conti... Genboxxy

    But the thing is, you were classifying the governor's death as useless. That's the point. Like who are you to tell someone who lost an entire family to keep their murderer alive? He's dwindling because of his feelings, sure. But wanting the governor dead isn't useless. YJ's initial feelings and feelings right now even though he's hesitating are valid

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 16, 2024 8:40 am
    I'm not gonna argue about the out of character seme. That's the whole point, that's his character. You just proved my point that he's not an innocent guy.I just said that because the way you worded it feels lik... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    Instead of defending your statement over and over, just say you want to keep the seme alive. Idk, maybe because his is too blinding for us to want him dead.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 16, 2024 8:41 am
    daheck, that's an awful and boring storyline "he could've sacrificed his life and let whoever ordered him kill him for not obeying" also that would be so out of character for the seme, he already killed hundred... Genboxxy

    Also, I don't mind that you call the governor, merely a puppet. That's technically true. What I didn't like was that the original statement felt like he can get away what he did just cause he's just a puppet. What a convenient excuse.

    Genboxxy August 16, 2024 9:03 am
    I'm not gonna argue about the out of character seme. That's the whole point, that's his character. You just proved my point that he's not an innocent guy.I just said that because the way you worded it feels lik... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    you might want to take a crash course on reading comprehension, I never said that he shouldn't be blamed, did I say uke shouldn't kill him? if that's what gives him peace, he should do it, I'm just arguing what would be the point of that now? tell me that yourself, clearly the uke wouldn't feel completely at peace now if he were to continue it, he was even hesitating at the last minute.

    Also, what on earth was that description of a main character- what are you reading some primary level good vs evil crap? that's literally the definition of seeing black and white and it's not going to be pulled off well in an adult-themed stories like this one. That main character that you talked about who will harm himself instead of harming others will get trampled so easily in this setting, people are crooked, or at least the characters in this story are, so if you're not one or if you're not attached to one, you won't win the game of living, which is most probably what happened to the uke's family-- either they truly were innocent and were caught in a crossfire or they were collateral damage because they chose to side with the former emperor/prince. Arguing that the seme murdered them for the sake of murdering them is literally seeing this in black and white, as if the seme just so happened to stumble upon their house and decided to massacre them for fun? at least have the decency to respect the author's worldbuilding, don't trample it to a basic level.

    Genboxxy August 16, 2024 9:11 am
    Instead of defending your statement over and over, just say you want to keep the seme alive. Idk, maybe because his is too blinding for us to want him dead. b r o k e n b a l l a d

    that's the second time you argued that, it seems that you're the one who actually cares for that aspect of the story. I admit that the h-scenes are hot but I couldn't care shizz about that if the storyline is lackluster, which is why I most probably won't ever finish reading crap like Jinx coz eventho the pair is smoking, the plot is just so godawful. Whereas, this one is gripping, it intrigues me and I'm liking how the author directs the story which is why I'm so invested in the opinions of how it might go further and why I feel so affected in my own stance. I don't care whichever of them lives or die I'm here for the entertainment, good entertainment, if at some point the author throws a plotpoint or device that makes the seme's death impactful for the storyline, by all means, I'd love for him to die, but again, I've said it over and over as you already pointed out, his death at this point is pointless and would just ruin the story altogether.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 20, 2024 8:36 am
    that's the second time you argued that, it seems that you're the one who actually cares for that aspect of the story. I admit that the h-scenes are hot but I couldn't care shizz about that if the storyline is l... Genboxxy

    Then that's your opinion that it's pointless to kill him.
    Not the original and current Yeonjo, who is just faltering because of his feelings. I'm not talking about the integrity of the story here now, I'm talking about the perspective of the bereaved.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 20, 2024 8:48 am
    you might want to take a crash course on reading comprehension, I never said that he shouldn't be blamed, did I say uke shouldn't kill him? if that's what gives him peace, he should do it, I'm just arguing what... Genboxxy

    Did i say that you said the governor is blameless? I said over and over that you implied it. Even if you deny it, your comment is low-key giving condoning vibes to the governor. Of course, you won't admit it now that you've been called out.

    I do agree that people are crooked. That's the whole reason I'm pointing out how the governor isn't blameless, in which you didn't say explicity he was blameless.

    There you go again, saying "the uke won't feel peace if he does it bla bla". You do realize that the moment his family was killed, he wouldn't have peace anymore right? But he still chose to get revenge! Total peace, is never his priority. Even if he was hesitating, he knew it must be done.

    Reading comprehension my ass.

    Also, I didn't say the seme murdered them for the sake of murdering them, but it's for power. You said it yourself, he wants power. You're the one who lacks reading comprehension at this point.

    And your black and white argument IMPLIES that you're still somehow favoring the seme. Because you think he's a gray character, right? Wrong.

    The moment he killed an entire family for power, may he be a puppet or not, he's automatically not a gray person anymore.

    Besides, what different does it make that he murdered them when he was just passing by or by someone's orders? Yeonjo already lost them. It's not like, just because he was just ordered to kill them, they're not FULLY dead but HALF dead.

    Quit lessening the governor's sins by referring to him as gray character.

    This isn't just like he stole from the rich and gave his loots to the poor. That's debatable, but murder? No.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 20, 2024 8:53 am

    Also, saying that killing the governor now would be pointless, while also saying respect the author's world building is laughable.

    By predicting a part of the story and saying it's "pointless," you're suggesting it must not be done by the author. So what if they decided to actually kill the governor later? Are you also gonna call out the author and say, "hey, killing the governor was pointless." lmaooo

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 20, 2024 10:26 am
    that's the second time you argued that, it seems that you're the one who actually cares for that aspect of the story. I admit that the h-scenes are hot but I couldn't care shizz about that if the storyline is l... Genboxxy

    Also, yes, you finally got it! Wow. So amazing!

    I really care about that aspect (seggs) of the story. And I'm unafraid to say that the only merit to leave the governor alive is because the seggs is hot and his knows no bounds. That's my reasons and I say it directly INSTEAD of trying to defend the governor by using roundabout sentences, not saying things explicitly and vaguely, and covering up everything under the pretext of "hE'S JuSt a pUpPeT, hE'S NoT A PuRe bLaCk (evil) PeRsOn."

    Genboxxy August 20, 2024 2:34 pm
    Did i say that you said the governor is blameless? I said over and over that you implied it. Even if you deny it, your comment is low-key giving condoning vibes to the governor. Of course, you won't admit it no... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    wth, who do you think you are- the uke in this story? LOL who are you to say indefinitely that he will only find peace if he does kill the seme now? it's a fricking story, and a story with characters as flat and bleak like that would just be frustrating, if not boring to read in a romance work; maybe for action/seinen it might work fantastically because that's the core and theme of the entire plot, but for this one--nah. Your logical thinking is so narrow you can't even comprehend what I'm saying, do your own research and educate yourself better on what is black and white and what's gray. If I'm thinking in black and white then I'd have done the opposite of what you're saying (which is painting the seme in black) and paint him in white instead by claiming that everything the seme did was for greater good, he murdered the uke's family for greater good, for the glory of the empower, yada yada, but no I distinctly said he murdered them for his own personal purpose and goals, he's a flawed character and that's what makes him gray, he's not completely black (he's not recklessly creating havoc and still still capable of reason and can still care, albeit only to the uke at this point) he's also and not completely white (since his motivations are mainly for self-interest and he's so immersed in violence apathy is second nature to him).

    Also, yeah it does make a difference whether or not he murdered them by order or for fun because like I said, that is what breaks the barrier for his character's complexity. If he did murder them for fun then the fault is completely on him, but if it's because of an order, then the fault is shared between him, the one who ordered it, and those who were murdered.

    You think the uke's family will be murdered if they chose the correct emperor to support? you think the seme will even think of hurting a single hair on those people if he was never ordered to do so? He doesn't care for them at all, he only had himself to care for and that's what he did, he survived in the battlefield for god-knows how long and here comes some lower prince offering him power and escape from that life, all in exchange for doing his dirty work. And you suddenly want him to sacrifice all that for a noble house he didn't even know? you're tripping. You want him to refuse the order as if there won't be another troop to be sent out and finish the job in his stead? The uke's family was dead meat the moment they chose poorly which side to be allies with, it didn't have to be the seme, they were already bound to die; matter of fact I find it better they were killed on the spot instead of being degraded and tortured for days, or even weeks instead.

    It's the seme's arrogance and misjudgment in sparing the uke's and his brother's lives, believing that they were too weak to survive is what's causing him trouble now too. That's a complex character and plot-building that the author laid out to explain how he was able to reach and maintain the title of Governor why the plot thickened to this point-- to simply say that he was just one of your run-of-the-mill ruthless murderer is disrespectful and stupid. Does it absolve him of those he killed, of course not, he has blood in his hands and even he himself acknowledge that, but let me be a devil's advocate and ask you if you were him then, what would you have done? if you had his backstory, his will to live, his inner rage, what would you have done that would still fall within his character? and again, my question remains-- will his death have any difference? to the story, to the other characters? or to anyone at all?

    Genboxxy August 20, 2024 2:38 pm
    Also, yes, you finally got it! Wow. So amazing!I really care about that aspect (seggs) of the story. And I'm unafraid to say that the only merit to leave the governor alive is because the seggs is hot and his ... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    well there you go, you're reasoning are just as shallow as your preferences in stories. You don't even bother looking at the bigger picture and are just dead set on those two, categorizing them as you wish and then wallowing when others don't agree with your basic way of thinking.

    Genboxxy August 20, 2024 2:42 pm
    Also, yes, you finally got it! Wow. So amazing!I really care about that aspect (seggs) of the story. And I'm unafraid to say that the only merit to leave the governor alive is because the seggs is hot and his ... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    Yes, I will. If the author chose to suddenly kill the seme in this arc in which I find it to be pointless, I would call them out and say the seme's death was pointless (not that the author would care, I'm reading in an illegal site anyway); also it won't be my first rodeo either, I have read other works where author kills off characters pointlessly too whether for shock value or to rush the ending. Relatively, I have also read works where it would've been better if the author killed the character but chose to make them live in the end-- in both cases, I found myself disappointed in it because I didn't see the logic and relevance of it to the plot.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 21, 2024 11:52 pm
    wth, who do you think you are- the uke in this story? LOL who are you to say indefinitely that he will only find peace if he does kill the seme now? it's a fricking story, and a story with characters as flat an... Genboxxy

    At this point, it's really you who needs a reading compensation crash course.

    Did you see what I said? Gaining peace was never YJ's priority! PEACE was never his priority because there moment his family died, that peace was already gone.

    Also, I don't give a damn about what ifs. "What if the governor wasn't ordered, blah blah blah" But it's already done! No matter what ifs you say, he already murdered them.

    I don't really care about the choices of governor killing an entire the family either. If he chose the nobles more than an innocent family like YJ's then so be it. BUT he needs to w own up to his mistakes. So he shouldn't be shocked that someone wants to take revenge on him. And, the difference is, if he defied those orders, he would be killed by the nobles. But did he deserved it? You can argue the answer is no. But now that he killed an innocent family, someone would taks revenge on him for sure. Does he deserve to be killed? Absolutely yes.

    That is what would I have done.

    See? All of thise denying you're not defending the damn governor, and now you show your true colors.
    You really want him to live and you're even defending his backstory by conveniently forgetting what he did to YJ lmao.

    So then, what would be your response to the author if they really killed the governor? "Pointless, why did u do that?" hahahs. The same person who said, "respect their worldbuilding"

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 21, 2024 11:54 pm
    At this point, it's really you who needs a reading compensation crash course.Did you see what I said? Gaining peace was never YJ's priority! PEACE was never his priority because there moment his family died, th... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    "he murdered uke's family for greater good"

    Greater good and murdering an innocent family doesn't go in a sentence.

    I didn't say I wouldn't do the same, but again, if that's what the governor did, he shouldn't be shocked someone wants to kill him, as he, too, deserves death. It's simply the consequence of his actions.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 21, 2024 11:59 pm
    wth, who do you think you are- the uke in this story? LOL who are you to say indefinitely that he will only find peace if he does kill the seme now? it's a fricking story, and a story with characters as flat an... Genboxxy

    I'm the one narrow-minded now because you can't defend your point?

    I probably have read more gray stories than you. Do my own research? Do I need to read peer-reviewed articles now about gray characters? Hahahaha.

    Even if he was a gray character in your opinion, I still wouldn't defend him like you do. Idgaf how light gray a character is, if he murdered innocent people. They still need to be apprehended.

    You're the one narrow minded here. You're referring to a possibility (of death for governor) as pointless, making decisions for the authors whom you said to respect (I didn't say that, you did).that means, you only want yours to happen. Who's the narrow minded one here?

    You can't even answer this simple question, and you even misread my statement regarding YJ's peace.

    Maybe next time, air out your brain before arguing here. It might help

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 22, 2024 12:02 am
    Yes, I will. If the author chose to suddenly kill the seme in this arc in which I find it to be pointless, I would call them out and say the seme's death was pointless (not that the author would care, I'm readi... Genboxxy

    Character complexity of whatever, YJ's family won't care. They're dead in his hands.

    Character complexity is just for the readers to enjoy, not for the murder victims. So yes, it makes a difference for you, but for the victims? No. So then, the governor needs to die. And he doesn't deserves to be defended like you do right now.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 22, 2024 12:07 am
    Character complexity of whatever, YJ's family won't care. They're dead in his hands.Character complexity is just for the readers to enjoy, not for the murder victims. So yes, it makes a difference for you, but ... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    I think, you're mixing up gray characters and justice system, tbh.

    No matter how gray or light gray, or beige a character is to your opinion, no matter how sad or tragic his backstory, do you think he should be free from his crimes?

    Nope. End of the story.

    It would've been better if YJ's family did something terrible to the governor, but nope. How is that not cold-blooded? Even if they're just orders, they're still pitiful. Governor is pitiful too at some point, but he killed them, so he deserves the same.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 22, 2024 12:13 am
    Yes, I will. If the author chose to suddenly kill the seme in this arc in which I find it to be pointless, I would call them out and say the seme's death was pointless (not that the author would care, I'm readi... Genboxxy

    Also, yes, I'm the uke! Wow, glad you finally found out! Amazing, your brains works now!

    LMAAAO, at least I'm putting myself in the innocent character's shoes instead of using the complexity of a character as a READER to defend a murder with using tragic back story.

    You can like their tragic back story, BUT still upholding what's right and wrong for the wronged protagonist you know.

    You can LIKE a character BUT never tolerate his actions.

    You can say, "the governor is a nicely written character. He's so gray that my vision turns black and white when I see his bare body, but I still think, he deserves death, or punishment."

    But no, you're writing those whole ass sentences saying why he's complex, as if you're defending him. You even said it's pointless for him to die.

    You were missing that sentence. I would've agreed with you about his back stories and complexities if your sane mind still told you that despite all of those, he still deserved his punishment (death), but no.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 22, 2024 12:15 am
    well there you go, you're reasoning are just as shallow as your preferences in stories. You don't even bother looking at the bigger picture and are just dead set on those two, categorizing them as you wish and ... Genboxxy

    But you said to respect the author's world building?hahahshs. You just admitted then, that your brain is inconsistent. If you had truly meant that, then you wouldn't have said either of the two.

    b r o k e n b a l l a d August 22, 2024 12:25 am
    well there you go, you're reasoning are just as shallow as your preferences in stories. You don't even bother looking at the bigger picture and are just dead set on those two, categorizing them as you wish and ... Genboxxy

    Smh, I already put a lot of obvious words in the statement you're replying to, indicating my sarcasm, but someone's brain refused to detect it.

    Genboxxy August 22, 2024 12:38 am
    At this point, it's really you who needs a reading compensation crash course.Did you see what I said? Gaining peace was never YJ's priority! PEACE was never his priority because there moment his family died, th... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    I keep on reasoning with you and it just doesn't transfer to your head, amazing. Now you're just reiterating how I point out your flaws in reasoning without actually adding substance to it or actually rebutting it by grasping at strawman, desperate to prove that what I'm saying affirms your own belief, what a joke.

    Of course you don't care about what ifs coz you can't find a viable answer to an alternative lmao. So you say that the peace was already gone the moment the uke's family died so what will be the point of killing the seme then? what will he gain then, what's his purpose? for what? nothing matters anymore, you said so yourself gaining peace is not the goal because there's none already, so why even should he continue with the revenge, he'll gain nothing from it. And if you say justice, is that not just another term for peace of mind, which apparently is already nonexistent at this point.

    Also, shocked that the uke wants to take revenge on him? did you even read the work? from the first few nights of them being together he already knew the uke would do something to him, when he realized he was the same boy from that noble family who was left to die, he was certain the uke was in it specifically to plot something against him as revenge, that's why he found him fascinating and probably found excitement in their setup, which tbf is quite arrogant and stupid of him too. Also, uke's family is not innocent either, they are murder victims, yes, but their death was not something that came out of nowhere, they were targeted for a reason, and had the head of the house been wiser, it could've even been prevented in the first place. Also as I previously mentioned, him refusing to to kill the uke's family is not up to him, whether he agrees or not, they will die, if not him, then another hitman will do that for the emperor and then he gets killed too for disobeying; you think the uke's family will thank him for refusing the order? they'll still be dead!

    Also, yeah that's pretty much what I would say, but I'd go more into detail why I find it pointless and disappointing which would be partly for my own sake too as I take it as note on what not to do in my own works. And how is being disappointed in a pointless ending disrespectful to the ending? did I compartmentalize the characters into narrow boxes like you did? did I neglect the plotpoints and and arcs that the author setup, the lore that they built? if anything, it's because I respect the consistency of the worldbuilding, that is why I would indefinitely find it disappointing if it suddenly shifted to something that doesn't connect and make sense to what was already established. That would be like making spaghetti but using fish flakes as toppings, sure you can still eat it and it's the chef's creative choice but it's off and doesn't go best with the other ingredients.

    Genboxxy August 22, 2024 12:40 am
    "he murdered uke's family for greater good"Greater good and murdering an innocent family doesn't go in a sentence.I didn't say I wouldn't do the same, but again, if that's what the governor did, he shouldn't be... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    what.the.actual.heck. Just as I said-- reading comprehension, you badly need it.

    Did you even understand that paragraph? that was me saying IF I argued like you did, now you see how stupid it is? to paint a character in just one color?

    Genboxxy August 22, 2024 12:48 am
    I'm the one narrow-minded now because you can't defend your point?I probably have read more gray stories than you. Do my own research? Do I need to read peer-reviewed articles now about gray characters? Hahahah... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    When did I make decision for the author? I argued that it would be best if the seme will not die at this point in the story, not that he should not die altogether. Also, okay, what's your question then? let me have it specifically, you don't have one here and so far, I have answered all the questions you threw at me, even going so far as to elaborate on my opinions as to why I think that way, giving examples and even rebutting why I disagree with it. It's you who's just skimming through my answers and then responding with the same level of basic reasoning as if you ate with the same statements lol.

    Genboxxy August 22, 2024 12:55 am
    Character complexity of whatever, YJ's family won't care. They're dead in his hands.Character complexity is just for the readers to enjoy, not for the murder victims. So yes, it makes a difference for you, but ... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    Yes, exactly. They're dead, they don't care. So what gives if the seme dies or not? you think that will bring them back to life?

    Genboxxy August 22, 2024 1:02 am
    I think, you're mixing up gray characters and justice system, tbh.No matter how gray or light gray, or beige a character is to your opinion, no matter how sad or tragic his backstory, do you think he should be ... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    How the freak will I even mix up gray characters and justice system? that's not even in the same realm. If you're talking justice system, then what's happening now to the plot IS the justice system taking place-- the seme was absolved of those crimes because he was ordered by the very same emperor who oversees the law, if the former emperor was still reigning and he did that, then he would and should be killed for murdering an allied house, since the prince wouldn't be powerful enough to back him up by then.

    Genboxxy August 22, 2024 1:40 am
    Also, yes, I'm the uke! Wow, glad you finally found out! Amazing, your brains works now!LMAAAO, at least I'm putting myself in the innocent character's shoes instead of using the complexity of a character as a ... b r o k e n b a l l a d

    lmao, you really think there are innocent characters in this work, when all of them are flawed, and that's what makes it engaging.

    Also quote me when did I ever say that I find it pointless for him to die? I said I find it pointless for him to die at this point because as the word implies, there would be no point to it. Hey, you even said so yourself that it's not peace that the uke is after, so what even is he doing it for? for his dead family who can no longer care because duh, they're dead? only the living cares, it's only the uke's feelings that must be prioritized, so if he's not looking for peace anymore, then what's the point for the revenge then?

    also who in their right mind would defend for murder, I'm making you understand why the sequence of events from the beginning led to that point and why the seme's death would do nothing at all to anything. He was a puppet (as much as you despise hearing that), he is one then and still is now, and yeah that makes all the difference because the premeditation of those killings were done by someone else and not him, he was the gun that shot the fire and ended those lives, but the trigger was pulled by someone else beforehand.

    Also even in real life these things are taken into consideration too, you don't just call for death penalty just because someone murdered someone, you dig into what caused the murder as well and enact an appropriate punishment. Serial killers usually get the death row sentences because they killed off their own accord completely, but those who acted as middlemen (like hitmen, or even armies/police), and those who killed others by accident are given due procedures because that's how you handle justice and fairness (or corruptness if you have someone backing you up)

    Genboxxy August 22, 2024 1:45 am
    Smh, I already put a lot of obvious words in the statement you're replying to, indicating my sarcasm, but someone's brain refused to detect it. b r o k e n b a l l a d

    Lol, now you're pulling the "I was being sarcastic" card coz you were caught tripping with your stance and now you can't support even fully support it with your own reasoning, what an absolute gold.

    Cielmao August 22, 2024 3:59 am
    Lol, now you're pulling the "I was being sarcastic" card coz you were caught tripping with your stance and now you can't support even fully support it with your own reasoning, what an absolute gold. Genboxxy

    I completely agree with everything you said, especially about the idea that "if the uke really wants to make the seme suffer, it’s not by killing him, but by stripping him of his power (which he can't do) or by taking his own life instead." This feels like the only way the uke could truly hurt the seme the most. I don’t understand why some people want the uke to just kill the seme as an act of revenge when, in the end, it’s the uke who would suffer the most from it. It’s frustrating how some people only see things in black and white.

    Genboxxy August 23, 2024 6:24 am
    I completely agree with everything you said, especially about the idea that "if the uke really wants to make the seme suffer, it’s not by killing him, but by stripping him of his power (which he can't do) or ... Cielmao

    ikr, and I was really hoping to hear some good argument too since these folks are just so into that development/ending, it made me curious if I'm just missing something; but nope-- it's always the same shallow, repetitive b/w crap that they use as reasons.

Genboxxy July 25, 2024 8:33 pm

This is just part 1 of the story but I think it's nearing its end, tho I also think there's still a ton more rollercoaster ride to come, and author is really into story telling too so they might amp up the plot some more. My guess for this one is that uke will poison seme to weaken him since he knows the amount is not enough to kill him, and then when seme's weak, he'll stab him or something (referring to the dagger in the title) and then escape to attempt and kill himself but will be saved by someone. Of course both his attempt to kill seme and kill himself fail, and thus the plot thickens and drama ensues.

If anyone actually knows what happens for real next, let us know, pretty please! the tension is tensioning~

    Isekai-ed into ur bed July 25, 2024 10:55 pm

    The servant's gonna have the poison instead

    Genboxxy July 26, 2024 11:37 am

    wat da heck dats the second time! I'm pretty sure he's the uke for the side couple so I take it he didn't/won't die this time too? author is really only putting him on the spotlight to take the fall for the uke huh? my guy might as well be a cat with 7 lives remaining.

    Isekai-ed into ur bed July 26, 2024 10:18 pm
    wat da heck dats the second time! I'm pretty sure he's the uke for the side couple so I take it he didn't/won't die this time too? author is really only putting him on the spotlight to take the fall for the uke... Genboxxy

    So real

Genboxxy July 23, 2024 9:50 pm

It's too short and not in a good way, I've read other manhwas that are also short but was able to make a coherent plot, this one just seems as if the author wanted to draw smut but also wants it to have a story, but then they don't want to flesh out the story so they just skip it all. The story really ends abruptly in this one, then the sides also started abruptly so you think it's a continuation of the main one but apparently it's supposed to be months, or a year later? not much changed with the characters, no info about the time skip as well so you're really assuming that it's just part of the main one and not the epilogue hahah I was so lost when I clicked side 2 and there was nothing left, had to process what was going on for a bit.

So for those who were also a tad bit confused, here's what went down: Uke x seme = 1 night stand; seme gave a company presentation where uke was the decision maker for the contract, uke chose the other presenter, then seme drowned himself in alcohol due to the rejection, met uke again at the bar, then they leave together, implying that it was the beginning of their FuBu relations. Side chapters -- relationship has been going on for a while, seme wants to be more, uke is still aloof but dwindles at times which confuses seme. Uke suddenly wants to be more (?) so bought chocs for seme on vday, a bit of tension-confession, and then they're official.

Really meh, even the main story seemed lacking in the progression for me, add the sides and it just made it even more confusing. Artstyle is fantastic, wasted characters though- I like power bottoms with good characterization- this uke had a potential of being one.

Genboxxy July 22, 2024 5:04 am

to be fair, the author did say at the end that they like this sort of trope so they made it that way, but it just didn't do it for me too.

Plot points like main conflicts, tension, and characterization were not pulled off well- it pops in and out so suddenly that it simply left no impact; uke is also so helpless in this work, he can practically be in a lineup with your typical shoujo FLs out there. Leads are not really problematic, story is not trash compared to others that I've read; matter of fact if you're into fluff and romance with that teen-level of naivety vibe, you might enjoy this. It's just too wishy washy for my taste, and I guess since I prefer ukes that are more assertive and strong-willed, that also added to its demerit for me.

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