Does anyone want to see fan art with Doyun asleep with a baby asleep on his chest? A few other arts, too. I found while looking for more decensorings.

sorry! I'm late! http://www.mangago.zone/home/photo/4464068/#image

Nothing wrong with peoples who want the babies so want to read about babies and they think of omegaverse as babyverse. that's okay. I don't mind if a baby or two comes in sometimes.
There are others who will say no, omegaverse is all about furries because that's where it all began!
There's others who are just kinked out and love the whole omegaverse sexual/heat relationships. There's even some who just like wet underwear and red faces out of control. Some ppl get horny thinking in abstract ideas about pregnant men, but get sickly if they see it. whew.
Some guys see baby as just career ending expense, but still like the fantasies. Some people even enjoy to kink on flat chests lactating, but nothing else. All else they find gross and nauseating.
These folks will have real problems with people saying omegaverse is their genre, and is about what they want it to be, like in "omegaverse is about babies and pregnant men full-term give birth to the end, so if you can't handle it, you're don't have any right to read it!"
You will offend people of course, if you say that. It's just that today I see so many comments like that, and I thought it didn't sound too nice.
If people will allow it to be not just your view of pregnant men, you will not offend people so much and everyone has their own definition of omegaverse where it's okay to not like mpreg, and shouldn't have to get heckled about how it's omegaverse and is automatically have pregnant men making babies. Same for those who hate baby ideas. Some people just love babies to death and just can't help themselves, and must express it in the comments or just explode.
I hope no one is offended, and if they are please let me say sorry right now.

I think it’s fine to not like mpreg, but to read an omegaverse and then complain about mpreg being a possiblility or the fans being excited about it is silly. From that comments I’ve seen of yours, Love Shuttle is your second omegaverse correct? But pregnancy and omegaverse goes hand in hand.
To complain about mpreg in an omegaverse is like saying you hate boy’s love when reading a yaoi manga. That’s literally what’s happening here.
With that being said, I think there’s a difference between not liking mpreg and not wanting Doyun to be pregnant. Not liking mpreg means omegaverse isn’t for you. Not wanting Doyun to be pregnant is reasonable since Doyun and Taehan aren’t at that stage yet.

lady-baby? LOL! Anyway, what miki is saying is perfect, but I think you should remove your comment, miki, because they're just going to do their best to misunderstand and vilify you because it sounds a tiny bit like you're going against the standard party line.
I can tell that you're trying to make everyone happy, but I don't think the rest of them will see it that way.
I think you're a sweetheart for trying, though. Blessed are the peacemakers.

Miki didn't say anything about Doyun or not wanting Doyun to get pregnant, so I'm not seeing why you said anything about it. It's almost like you're just saying it to be hateful to him. Miki doesn't deserve that.
If you read his comment, he says that people have lots of different reasons for liking omegaverse, and I'm saying you're mistaken in saying that "omegaverse isn't for you if you don't like mpreg."
I'm surprised at you, Nike. You've clearly stated that people have to like mpreg in order to read omegaverse. I happen to know that there's at least 70 people who are going to want to go at your throat for suggesting such a thing.
Also, omegaverse and mpreg are two distinctly different things. Mpreg predates omegaverse by, ohhhh, only about ten years.
The two terms are not interchangeable.

raindragon is so nice expecially for a devil. LOL.
I listened to your advice and changed what I said. I couldn't delete it because then that would delete your and Nike's comments, and I wouldn't feel right to do that.
I took out lady-baby, maybe some don't like it, right?
Thank you for the nice things you said, but maybe next time say it anonymously so I don't get guilt by association with you. lmao lmao!!!!

From what I could understand of miki’s comment, they were writing in response to anon “insulting” the non-mpreg commenters. I was merely clearing up the misunderstanding that the anon was writing in response to you. Everyone was fine until a few people kept complaining about the possibility of pregnancy happening after ch 34. It hasn’t even happened yet and ppl already causing discourse.
Although mpreg predates omegaverse, omegaverse is a subgenre of mpreg. And yes, you should at least be okay with mpreg in omegaverse if you want to enjoy omegaverse. It either happens in the story, heavily implied, or heavily discussed. You cannot escape omegaverse without it even being discussed. You don’t have to love it or expect it in everyone of your omegaverse, but you shouldn’t be surprised if it’s discussed or enjoyed by others. Omegas can get pregnant. That’s just the reality of omegaverse. Give me an omegaverse where they can’t get pregnant. As in omega males, mpreg is just not a thing in their world.
Don’t like the direction of the story? Fine. Some authors make weird choices (Love is an Illusion), but if your main point is you don’t like mpreg in general, why are you reading an omegaverse where you have a high chance of mpreg happening?
Again, you don’t have to like mpreg, but you shouldn’t complain about it either when it is discussed or it happens in a omegaverse manga. THAT was my point that you missed.

Oh so much better to read now! Thank you for rewriting it. It seems I misunderstood your first edit. I’m afraid the lady-baby part really made your initial comment very confusing to understand.
I think after the release of ch 34, about every 5-6 posts, there’s 1 post that discusses how they’d be disappointed or will drop Love Shuttle bc it might have mpreg. Afterwhile, I think some ppl just got tired of reading it and so made posts in response.
As I said, not liking mpreg is fine, but omegaverse is a subgenre of mpreg. So it’s very surprising when someone that genuinely hates mpreg read a subgenre of mpreg and then is surprised when it might happen in the manhwa.
I also think there’s a difference in vehementity. For ppl that say they hate mpreg and posts about it, the dislike is a lot. Just look at the downvotes. For people that think storywise, mpreg is a bad idea, there’s a discussion and they’re pretty civil.
Notice for the most part, even for people who dislike and complain about mpreg, most ppl ignored them if they didn’t agree. Except raindragon fanned the flames, and so the vitriol from the two sides grew.

well that is exactly what both miki and I said.
Anyway, as I've already pointed out more than once, most omegaverse stories don't include pregnancy or babies. Yes, it's in the air. Of course it is. It's part of the premise. You have to be plain dumb not to know and accept that.
Most people who read omegaverse are fine with the premise. In fact, as miki pointed out, most who read omegaverse are titillated by the premise.
However, to actually discuss the matter, you can't throw out vague generalities. I've said this before. You can't just say, "omegaverse is about mpreg, and you must accept that."
There's a dividing line here. On one side of the line is everyone who likes the genre. On the other side of the line is the people who enjoy, look forward to, and want to see men actually get pregnant and have babies that are actually shown in the both the story and the art, marriage also seems to fall on the line or slightly to that side of the line.
What I'm saying, and others are saying is that we can and do enjoy this genre, obviously, but we aren't big on the stuff on the other side of the line, nor do we need to be because those items on the other side of the line aren't usually part of the action. Most of these stories end before pregnancy, and even before marriage.
Don't believe me? consult Leo Tolstoy on the subject of happy families. They. are. not. worth. writing. about. period.

nike..... no, wait. I kind of like fiery nike. so there.
still, I fanned the vitriol?.... really GRRR!
There was nine tons of shit thrown at a person who is saying something they are bothered by, they hate mpreg. They probably needed to say it in order to mentally process it. I felt for them, and I was responding to the bitchy, condescending comments being said to them:
1. ummm you do know this is an omegaverse right???...
2. I hate to burst your bubble but you are reading a Mpreg, it's in this story.
3. did you not read the omegaverse tag?
4. This is omegaverse like what do you expect
5. Bruh, its omegaverse. Mpreg is kinda the point of omegaverse. Why r u here if not for mpreg
6. 23 fucking downvotes
All of that for someone who politely stated their feelings on mpreg.
Mpreg is a powder keg issue for some people. It REALLY bothers some people, and The fucks throwing crap around like monkeys are a bunch of shits who are no help, so, yeah, I called them perverts. They're lucky I didn't call them what I really think of them.
And Nike, all you saw was my one comment that "fanned the vitriol" out of that whole nasty incident. Have you ever been on the receiving end of 23 downvotes and a bunch of immature, condescending morons insulting you so far out of proportion?

No, I haven’t and I really think it depends on how things are worded. I’ve seen some other ppl post about not liking it and some ppl +1 the comment and say they agree. And then there are some ppl that say they don’t like it and then go on to list the reasons why it’s immoral. THAT’s when the discussion get heated.
As for your other comment, “mpreg isn’t needed in the story and sometimes it doesn’t go that far”, I think that makes a more compelling argument. For example, Love Is an Illusion, it became a fire tire after he got pregnant. Almost everyone agrees (at least here in Love Shuttle), but as I mentioned, there’s a fundamental difference between hating mpreg the genre and reading omegaverse, and not wanting mpreg for story purposes.
One is masochistic, and the other is just being a reading who critiques the author’s choices (which most of us can’t help doing).

As politely as I can say this: you can't put quotation marks around something I didn't say. You can say you're paraphrasing, but a quote has to be verbatim.
you say omegaverse is a subgenre of mpreg. ha. Mpreg is a little bottle of liquid purchased by papa bear at a drug store and brought home to the male mama bear, who drinks it and becomes pregnant.
I'm mostly kidding by pointing that out, but it's still true that mpreg and omegaverse are two separate tags. I'm just saying . . .
Let me ask you a question. I'm not trying to be an ass, it's a real question. We, along with others, are sitting here in a comment section. If I say something negative, a lot of people get their feathers ruffled even if they don't need to get upset over what I'm talking about. Now this is a sincere question. Is there some kind of vibe happening, a sort of happy mood that people are participating in and circulating, and their desire is for other commenters to also join in and maintain the good mood by adding yet more positive comments? so if someone makes a negative comment, it messes up the good mood that is floating around?
I know it happens in RL. It just never occurred to me that it might happen in a comment section.
why does mangago let me type out whole thing but then the jokes on me cuz they throw out my post, which I put effort into! bastards. amd then they throw my ass two states over back to first page as if to say FU, idiot, start all over! You posts not welcome! Why? LOL no luck! Patooey. (๑•ㅂ•)و✧
i thought it was just me. i sometimes cant post, or cant respond. After i spend so much time thinking up responses. its frustrating.
ah, jess, I think if you go to the topics list and post from there, mgogo will let you.
ill try that the next time it happens, thanks!