Love Shuttle Raws
https://www.lezhin.com/en/comic/loveshuttle - official version, in English
Raws: http://yaoi-chan.me/manga/107888-lovers-shuttle.html
Raws: https://silverblossombells.dreamwidth.org — BEST place for Raws, but she takes them down as soon as the English version is up.
Raws: https://www.facebook.com/rensoojyn/

thank you, blackbelle, very much, and I appreciate that you buy these. I really do. I just keep wondering why all the people talking about chapter 30-33 which makes me want to read those too. It doesn't seem like all of them are paying to read those chapters. I guess I could be wrong on that, but I see you even talking about ch 30 and even 33. I look on this link that you were nice and sent me, and only see up to ch 29. If I pay and still don't see the chaps 30 to 33 that everyone's talking about. what then?

Ch 9 has a political message, asking for money for an organization that I frankly don't trust. I don't think that sort of thing has any place whatsoever here. I don't like violence and racism. Politics shouldn't be here.
The blm link ?
i didn’t even notice the link until u pointed it out
it shouldn’t bother u that much