"HA HA HA HA HA HA HA.."-DJun (nervously shaking)
"Yeah lemme tell this bird who sounds just like my crush and acts like him, who my crush is! GrEaT IdEa"
My heart was just stapped a hundred thousand times :'( i am so sad.. why can't there be unicorns and cotton candy :'(
Shall I get you some Unicorn cereal from Kroger's the next time I shop?
He just casually hugs him .. like it was the thing he does every morning with his coffee xD
Crosses fingers this does not take a dark turn my heartu just can't u.u
Who am i .. where am i xD
So.. who tops?
Karam. Definitely Karam
Shit took a turn from 0 to dark in 0.005 sec
Fooking realistic*everyone likes you*Expectation: acts like queen/king, so cool, too hot for this world *flips hair*Reality: burdened by it, overthinking, overanalyzing, insomnia, possible weight or hair loss, cranky mood, disbelief.. e.t.c
GAH that was awkward
-DJun (nervously shaking)