Hmm .. the lack of depth to the characters other than Iris is starting to annoy me, how every evil character is plain evil, and every good character is unconditionally good. usually there are two sides to each coin, we have good and bad, but nope not here. Evil characters have no reason behind being evil except for "selfishness" which becomes very boring after a while, also most of the time (more like 99.9% of the time) they do not even have a reason to be bad, they just exist to inconvenience Iris, they be like "oh, I don't like her attitude, she is just standing there breathing air ugh I want to step on her and kill her after I torture her loved one in front of her, sounds good to me", and every person within 1 kilometer radius weirdly agrees. although I am really into the strong female character with a mobile phone don't get me wrong, I just think it could have been way better.
Such a nitpick smh .... very good story and an interesting concept amongst all the reincarnation stories weirdly coming all at the same time lately. Nice art and amazing dresses and hairstyles :D

I 100% agree. Aside from Iris, all other characters are flat. No depth or character development. No one is born evil they have to have a reason behind their evil behavior. For example, Howard could've suffered from severe abuse from his childhood, maybe they have killed a maid who he loved like a second mother, being taught that compassion is for the weak and being cruel is how to survive in the world, or maybe suffered sexual abuse shattering his innocence. That could explain his drinking problem.
But no, there's nothing like that. All the evil characters are just plain evil without any reason other than being selfish. And that is just boring. Make it very painfully obvious they just mobs used to peptuarate the plot.

i totally agree. except i'd include that iris is flat as well. she's a total mary sue:
-tragic past, but she's super brave and strong woman whatever
-always wears the supposedly prettiest dresses, trend-setter, always beautiful
-special rare powers unleasher bs
-i also have a smartphone, but there's no way i can google abdominal bullet wound surgery and perform it successfully like she did with ML
-all the good looking guys adore her
-good people are drawn into her charm, and turns out they all hold a lot of political influence but like to stay humble. but when she's in trouble they'll all emerge from the shadows and help her. just like the new character they introduced: she wants to be a mama to a daughter figure who resembles her late husband, not a son but a daughter. because you know how them daughters all look exactly like their dads
-bad guys got her good the first time. during this rerun they're stumbling around like idiots. and it's not because iris knows the future. it's because they have no plan b, which means they're dumb and she's dumber for falling for their plots except...
-her only flaw is that she's so innocent and too naive. but it's only because she's such a good person and wants to believe in the best of people
then what you said about evil characters just being evil. what's the evil queen's deal? she only holds temporary power. i can't remember if she has kids or anything or some other motive. but isn't ian basically crown prince? like what's she gonna do when he takes the crown? i don't get it.

I loved the naivety of Oliver, thinking he can make the world a better place by forcing his own believes and principles on others, well that went and bit him in the end. Not saying he was a bad character but he was very naive for a psychiatrist, opting for that method to try and treat his serial killer patient was a dumb move lol.
Also, I exceptionally loved how clark went out and above to try to keep Oliver safe, but all his efforts worsened the matters and he was the cause of Oliver's death, with him being a strong manipulator I can't even start to grasp how devastated he was.
This story was one hell of a ride, it has some realistic human characteristics and a reasonable ending.
On a side note, can there be another edition about Clark and his police friend? I can never get enough of their conversations it cracked me up every time .
Definitely an all time favourite.