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Asami Waifu June 30, 2021 2:00 pm

all men in this story are TRASH (╯°Д °)╯╧╧
Handsome face & being rich doesn't promise happiness in life

Asami Waifu May 3, 2021 3:15 pm

Sorry but i dislike fl. ┑( ̄Д  ̄)┍ boring and hate the plot only about fl almost got raped everytime.

    Noodles May 3, 2021 4:32 pm

    Fl’s just too pretty

    masticatious May 3, 2021 8:57 pm

    how is that her fault again? its dark but realistic tho

    maychan May 3, 2021 9:15 pm dislike the FL but don't dislike all the men that fucking assaulted her and being disgusting assholes?!!! okay you have a problem I guess ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

    masticatious May 3, 2021 9:40 pm dislike the FL but don't dislike all the men that fucking assaulted her and being disgusting assholes?!!! okay you have a problem I guess ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ maychan

    people sure have some strange priorities..

    Asami Waifu May 3, 2021 10:53 pm dislike the FL but don't dislike all the men that fucking assaulted her and being disgusting assholes?!!! okay you have a problem I guess ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ maychan

    Hahahahaha i also dislike you ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ nope i dont have any problem..just stating my opinion and being judged by people when ppl don't even know me meh...i dislike all characters exclude ml, i don't like how the story keep portrayed women are weak and prone to danger of being rape.

    Asami Waifu May 3, 2021 10:55 pm
    Fl’s just too pretty Noodles

    I agree, yes she beautiful but she need to develop quick response and fast thinking in situation that might danger her

    maychan May 3, 2021 11:19 pm
    Hahahahaha i also dislike you ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ nope i dont have any problem..just stating my opinion and being judged by people when ppl don't even know me meh...i dislike all characters exclude ml, i don't l... Asami Waifu

    I only judge base on what you post. you never talk about how man can rape girls even in our world and children too. but only say how FL, cause yeas she is the worst character in the story - not ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭
    and by the way, the man from our world is weak too - not only the women which you clearly ignore. it just easy to attack women and children, it is a fact even if you say women can be strong.
    I don't think you get what "weak" means, since you think if women act like a man and have physical strength that means she is "strong", totally ignore that there is a thing called emotional and mental strength! good morning, only have muscle and been OP with superpowers mary su does not make you strong, it just makes you boring as fuck!

    masticatious May 3, 2021 11:32 pm
    I agree, yes she beautiful but she need to develop quick response and fast thinking in situation that might danger her Asami Waifu

    those will do her little good against a group of fully grown man in the middle of no where. there's only such much you can do with woman on average being physically weaker then men. some people just have a hard time accepting facts and just want a fantasy where the heroine she powers her way through all of that effortlessly.

    isekai plot these days turn all of their mcs into mary sues with no damn flaws

    Asami Waifu May 5, 2021 12:37 am
    I only judge base on what you post. you never talk about how man can rape girls even in our world and children too. but only say how FL, cause yeas she is the worst character in the story - not ╮( ̄▽ ̄)�... maychan

    I just said i dislike, but you assume and judge more than that..its okay ppl have different opinions. Remember this only fiction, please separate between fiction and reality.. I don't want to talk about real world which so many horrible things happened to women and child..i also dont said women need muscle and superpower.. Again you keep accused me for what i don't said and comment.. Women strong with emotional and mental i agree but smart & clever also strong point

    Asami Waifu May 5, 2021 12:47 am
    those will do her little good against a group of fully grown man in the middle of no where. there's only such much you can do with woman on average being physically weaker then men. some people just have a hard... masticatious

    Relax girl, this just fiction and we enjoying whichever genre or plot. Remember all ppl has their own opinions and respect them. Dont force/argue your belief or opinion on other ppl. Also author have control over characters they want to portray as you said nowadays isekai turn their mc into mary sue ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ that's we called fantasy and fiction, ok bye i want to read one piece since you guys said i only read women strong with muscle and superpower

    maychan May 5, 2021 1:08 am
    I just said i dislike, but you assume and judge more than that..its okay ppl have different opinions. Remember this only fiction, please separate between fiction and reality.. I don't want to talk about real wo... Asami Waifu

    judge on what? I have nothing to judge for since I know nothing about you and honestly, I don't care who you are in rl ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I think you who don't do the separation since I only talk about this story we read and what you post about it - nothing more than that.
    you making it a bigger deal than it actually is ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ you post your point, and I post what I think about your post.
    sorry if you misunderstood ლ(´ڡ`ლ) good day

    Asami Waifu May 5, 2021 5:41 am
    judge on what? I have nothing to judge for since I know nothing about you and honestly, I don't care who you are in rl ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ I think you who don't do the separation since I only talk about this sto... maychan

    Read your comment again. I just post i dislike fl and this story is boring but you goes bla bla.. But it's okay say whatever you want, it funny to see ppl get attached, delusional and emotional over fictional characters
    ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ so have a nice day hope don't see you again in my comment

    Noodles May 5, 2021 2:14 pm

    Fl needs to defend herself in dangerous situations. She just stares at them and do nothing. I mean fl is pretty but she cant just kiss a man like that, thats being plain dumb. Why would she kiss a man out of nowhere just bcuz she thought so? Without a consent to add more!! Really needs to improve fl

    masticatious May 5, 2021 9:27 pm
    Fl needs to defend herself in dangerous situations. She just stares at them and do nothing. I mean fl is pretty but she cant just kiss a man like that, thats being plain dumb. Why would she kiss a man out of no... Noodles

    She just stares at them and do nothing." probably because shes trying to figure out the situation first? but she usually does run when she realizes there's a threat.

    " I mean fl is pretty but she cant just kiss a man like that, thats being plain dumb."
    I dont follow your reasoning. it sounds so childish. she managed to secure herself a way of getting into the city by manipulating his attraction towards her, that makes her pretty cunning.

    if I hear this shit about "consent" one more time I swear lol when its already been heavily established 1. this isn't the modern world setting 2. there is an active language barrier between them 3. mc is effectively a MUTE. if any of the above wasn't her current reality, she would have just explained her situation to him and asked him to take her but SHE CAN'T. the kids in the comments having a hard time understanding her situation can go read something a bit more there there speed, like pokemon.

    masticatious May 5, 2021 9:29 pm
    She just stares at them and do nothing." probably because shes trying to figure out the situation first? but she usually does run when she realizes there's a threat. " I mean fl is pretty but she cant just kiss... masticatious

    also to add.. she kissed him and then he pulled her back in for a SECOND KISS
    so fuck you all, there was physical consent.

    maychan May 5, 2021 9:36 pm
    She just stares at them and do nothing." probably because shes trying to figure out the situation first? but she usually does run when she realizes there's a threat. " I mean fl is pretty but she cant just kiss... masticatious

    Agree. I'm getting tired of those people. it's like they don't understand what the situation is ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭ sigh

    Noodles May 6, 2021 7:09 am
    also to add.. she kissed him and then he pulled her back in for a SECOND KISS so fuck you all, there was physical consent. masticatious

    Ok ok calm down now you win. No need to be aggressive. I agree what everyone says and each of you have their own opinions so lets bot judge on that. But the manhwa is still good
    Everybody wins!!!

    Noodles May 6, 2021 7:10 am
    Ok ok calm down now you win. No need to be aggressive. I agree what everyone says and each of you have their own opinions so lets bot judge on that. But the manhwa is still good Everybody wins!!! Noodles

    Its actually “not” instead of “bot”

    masticatious May 8, 2021 9:14 am
    Ok ok calm down now you win. No need to be aggressive. I agree what everyone says and each of you have their own opinions so lets bot judge on that. But the manhwa is still good Everybody wins!!! Noodles

    fair enough. I admit I got pretty heated there ( ̄∇ ̄")'' I'm just gunna enjoy the story.

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