I find the pacing and sequence of events a lil weird these few chapters. like what, window breaks then why does ash grab her and run? And wow how convenient theres some house or building for them to go into, then wow convenient conflict bad people immediately find them. like ??? It's like they wanted the first time he finds her to be her crying and holding ash to make it more dramatic or something but I think the sequence of events just come out forced and awkward
Hahaha no matter how good the art, I cant take the plots seriously.
It's like you're introducing entirely new characters, setting up the premise, gotta have some sort of plot or conflict, resolve it and have the characters fuck all in one chapter
Kinda a recipe for disaster in my opinion, but I do salut the artists who took the challenge lol
..isn't it a given that if you're gonna learn to fight as a knight, then you're going to be learning how to kill though? Like not even necessarily humans but like how selena killed those monsters. Everyone talking shitting on Letio when Ignis is legit just as bad lol. Ignis just doesn't do the dirty work himself and gets other people to do it for him
fighting and killing is different tho....fighting is agreed by both parties involve, it like, telling your opponent that you're there to fight them or letting them know that you're going to fight them, while killing uses underhanded method, like stealthily sneaking or monitoring your opponent and just go for the kill, more like an assassination where its one-sided and putting your opponent on spot and in disadvantage
Hm we could make the ml a kind, caring considerate guy OR what about an actual dog guy. Woof woof bark bark it is