All I can say after reading some of the novel is they truly match each other's freak

I missed some parts cus i just skipped to a random place in the novel (this is mtl too btw lol) but from what I could gather they break up at some point and Yanu destroyed Eyras collection of monster specimens and parts. So to make up for it, on Eyras birthday he gave him one of his dragon eyes and was like if you date me Ill give u one eye every 10 years and of course Eyra was overjoyed and said yes to that lol
Why does fl say "she's nothing compared to me" to this lady who's doing her a favor?? Suddenly she looks down on ppl cus of her status? Ngl that was instantly off putting to me
ok nevermind maybe it's just bad translation lol
cant believe went thru all those chapters when there were official translations right there