You've done an absolutely stellar job with volume 2!! You are such a boon to us fans of this series. As for what to translate next, I'll be super happy with whatever you choose and won't have any complaints one way or the other. But if it were up to me, I'd say do the first short extra then move on to volume 3 since the other extra is just a sex dream fantasy that's going to take a lot of work and doesn't move the story along, so it can be finished and added later without anything feeling like it's out of order. From your comments, it feels like you're just as eager to share the rest of the story with us as we are to read it. That's just my two cents on the matter, and again, I'll be thrilled with whatever you choose to do. Having you translate this series for us is such a wonderful gift. Thank you so much!!

Bingsoo Cat Cafe translations are always worth the wait. Purplepandabear, I hope you and your team aren't getting too disheartened. Quality takes time, and you guys actually work at a decent speed considering the quality you put out. I'm sure even the ppl who read the quick and dirty bad translations the snipers are putting out still go back to read yours as soon as they're released. The worst thing is that the snipers have stolen your title redesign, and they should really be shamed for that. I'm sorry you guys are experiencing this, but you have loads of loyal supportive readers behind you who are always cheering you on and eagerly waiting for your translations.

Everyone: "I HATE JJK! He should go die in a fire!"
Also everyone: "Oooohhhh! New content! Let me go gobble it up as soon as it drops so I can get in on the forum circle jerk of hate."
LOL! Ya'll are ridiculous. But the chorus of pearl clutchers at the end of each new update is almost as entertaining as the actual content itself.

I don't know how Zaria manages to keep getting better every time something new comes out. She's a pure genius at art, storytelling, pacing, building anticipation, and building emotional attachment to the characters. And the sex she writes and draws is some of the hottest in existence. This new volume is so incredibly amazing! I can't wait for volume 4!!
Also, volume 3 is actually available as an ebook on Kindle, so I'm thrilled I could actually at least buy the newest volume. I really wish they had the ebooks for volumes 1 and 2 as well.
Why all the hate for this story?
If beastmen aren't your thing, then this isn't for you. The fact that this is a beastman story shouldn't come as a shock to anyone. Beast is literally in the title. Animal characteristics is second top story tag. The first sentence of the description says it's in a world of beast people. It's really not that hard to check story descriptions, story tags, and titles before starting to read a story.
I really wish people would stop being lazy complainers and go find something else that they actually want to read instead of shitting on something that they never wanted to read in the first place. It seriously only takes a tiny amount of effort and a few brief moments to realize that the content of a story isn't for you, and then you can move on to something else. I don't understand why people get so offended by the existence of things they don't like and still try to read it instead of just passing it up. Why are these people even trying to read this in the first place if they don't like beastmen content? Are they just a bunch of griefers who are actively looking for things to complain about? Or are people just so lazy now that they don't even bother to check what they're reading before starting a story and feel entitled to having everything suited to their particular tastes?
I get the people complaining that they want more substance. Like the author's other works, there's not a whole lot of substance and drama to be had here. Aside from the uke's tragic backstory, this is like a fluffy cloud of sugary sweet cotton candy in story form. But sometimes it's nice to get away from drama stories and enjoy a super simple, fluffy, wholesome romance with a total green flag seme.
you ate that
I agree!
Say it louder bc I'm sure a lotta people in the back are pretending they can't hear.