Why are their dicks upside down? I love the art, but that one thing drives me crazy. Please, artist, study dick anatomy if it's going to be uncensored. So many censored dicks in this world, and the ones that they choose to uncensor are drawn on the wrong way. (⊙…⊙ )

Literally the first dick shown in chapter 1 is upside down. Then another example halfway through chapter 2. Then the young blond guy's dick is sideways at best when he gets drunk and takes his out in chapter 5. Then they finally drew the top side of the head in chapter 8 when the jerk alpha is taking off his condom, but it was upside down again. And then there's at least one sideways drawing in chapter 9. It's obviously not every drawing; whenever the angle is correct for showing the underside, then they're okay most of the time. But the wrong way drawings are not a one off and are common in most chapters that include dick head details. This is a repeated issue. They are definitely upside down on a regular basis, and it's distracting as hell. My question remains about publishers censoring and uncensoring choices. This is a rare example when I wish a title had been left censored to hide all these anatomically incorrect drawings.

LOL. You keep trying to make yourself seem correct in some manner or other, and then call me crazy when I just did a quick skim to give you the examples you kept implying were nonexistent because you obviously feel the need to be right. Just take the L and stop trying to twist things after being proven wrong. You also keep saying you don't care, but you obviously do care since you keep replying.

LOL. Yeah, immature contrarians can't stand to be proven wrong and to not get in the last word. They just happened to try to argue an incorrect contrarian statement with an academic who wanted to avoid work today and found them to be a convenient distraction. I also admit that I found some enjoyment in picking apart their attempts to support their initial incorrect statement and watch them spiral into baseless insults and claims of not caring while each subsequent reply continued to serve as proof of just how much they cared about being proven wrong.

Cute smutty story with a short seme and a tall + big dick uke, and I'd like to see it continued, but what the hell happened with the translation of chapter 3? The first two chapters had great translations, and then chapter 3 read like it had been retranslated through multiple languages before an attempted mechanical English translation mated with a meat grinder and spat out a moldy Chinese fish group.

Why do I keep reading this garbage? I really hate everyone in it, and I'm so tired of this meaningless competition to see who can be the shittiest character. At this point, there's obviously no hope for it getting any better, and I don't care about any of their redemption arcs, because nothing is going to make any of them remotely likeable. I've already tried to drop this twice, but keep coming back out of morbid curiosity to see how much worse it can get.(●≧艸≦)
WAAAAHHH! Finally! I feel so much relief now, and I can't wait until the next update to see how things go now that they've resolved their feelings.