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Delinquents, Bullies, Yakuza, Tsunderes (63) 2024-02-08 0
Miyamoto Kano(11) 2017-11-18 0
Older x Younger Relationships(26) 2021-09-22 0
Sensei x Student Relationships (15) 2020-04-28 0

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JenJen January 15, 2019 9:26 am

Does anyone know, is there a way to find someone on here? So, that I can follow them and recommend stuff I like to them.

    Just passing through January 15, 2019 9:33 am

    Idk if u can search them specifically, the only way I could think of is to go to a manga/list that u know they commented on so u can click their profile from there. :/ goodluck with that tho

    peachiiii January 15, 2019 11:24 am

    the best way would probably be to search on google (username” that you’re looking for+ idk tho

    JenJen January 15, 2019 6:23 pm
    Idk if u can search them specifically, the only way I could think of is to go to a manga/list that u know they commented on so u can click their profile from there. :/ goodluck with that tho @Just passing through

    That's what I was thinking too.

    JenJen January 15, 2019 6:25 pm
    the best way would probably be to search on google (username” that you’re looking for+ idk tho peachiiii

    Ohhhh, I just tried searching my own name, like that and it worked! So, it should work for the other person too! Thank you for the suggestion!

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