Jaitzche's experience ( All 0 )

Jaitzche's answer ( All 16 )

I'm more towards novel writing cause I can't draw to save my life, but some pointers- If you want to bypass the cringe- imagine the actions in real life. Are these actions that people would actually do? Or is it more something you see in anime/manga/etc.? Dialogue is another huge factor- overexplaining something, especially something a character ......   reply
05 02,2020
about penpals
Jaitzche 14 04,2019
ID: Jaitzche I'm 26 :)   reply
14 04,2019
I'm super new to discord- how do I join? Do you want this? Jaitzche #4537   reply
30 03,2019
Hope you're still doing this (and that I'm doing this right) Jaitzche#4537   reply
29 03,2019
did you ever find one?   reply
29 03,2019

Jaitzche's question ( All 1 )

about penpals
Hi! I am looking to make a (smallish) group chat on Line, centered about Yaoi/Slash but really just chat about whatever, make some friends with similar interests, you know :)

If you want to join, comment your line ID and I'll add you!
11 04,2018

People are doing

did listen to a song on repeat

NEW DROP "got two girls in the cut and idk what to do"~

1 hours
did watch hentai

The rite of passage for all anime enjoyers. If you havent watched a single hentai, dont call yourself an anime fan.

2 hours
want to do be adorable

I'd like to think I'm adorable irl. But I'm old now so. I still feel adorable on the inside but my physical appearance let's me down.

2 hours