Every story does not have to appeal to you. If you don't like seeing a a buff omega top then dont read a story about a buff omega topping. The omegaverse is fictional and the specifics of omega and alpha characteristics have always been at the discretion of authors to alter and adjust. There are many stories where omegas, betas and alphas bodies, heats and traits can work differently, it just depends on the author. There's hundreds if not thousands of stories with submissive and petite omega ukes, if this isn't your cup of tea then go read those instead
I be acting crazy when I'm sleep deprived too. Maybe he'll follow the advice of whatever sam-myeong says in the roleplay, or he'll decide that sam-myeong will take the role of queen
I feel like no one is updating this because of the drama Icarus caused. This story was not regularly updated so someone started translating it themself, Icarus told them to stop and said they are still uploading it (even though they rarely did) so that other person stopped translating after the drama that was caused, and until now Icarus still didn't finish updating the story after getting others to stop...
i have a theory that whatever is in that antique box at the beginning is gonna be relevant to the plot, and it's really interesting how it was pointed out that the box doesn't look like it's from that era. Maybe there's something supernatural in there that caused the king to become even more unhinged than before, or people are gonna trying and break in to steal that box.
what did you do to that cat to get that many scratches though... I also feel like the scratches could be from Yeon il fighting him off. Either he is genuinely a friend from high school or he's Yeon il's bully and I feel like it might be the latter because the photo of them from high school gave me weird vibes
imagine confiding in someone the abuse and trauma you went through as a kid and they use that against you when they're upset with you. Fuck that Skylar was so wrong for that. This story keeps going in circles at this point and we're already 100 chapters in im just gonna wait for this to get completed
It would have been nice to see them have more improvement and development with their relationship issues before something like this happened. But because Hitomi is now a beast too before they worked out all their issues it gives the idea that if Hitomi had stayed fully human it might not have worked out between them as Kamiya's animalistic and possesive traits were getting worse and I dont really like that this is how it's resolved, just by Hitomi becoming beast too and not by working things out in a healthy way. Buuuut if I don't think about things too deeply then this is still a fun development and I guess now they're both just gonna be unhinged together
next thing we know the ex is gonna appear for a foursome. The whole story was a clusterfuck but these side chapters are another level doesn't even make sense for Taesung to allow let alone partake in a threesome. The author forgetting that this is the same Taesung who got angry when Sooyoung said his ex boyfriends name in his sleep and then he went to cut of the ex's finger? All character development that Taesung went through eradicated
About time he left!! Good for him. I do hate how the letter was just him blaming himself for things that weren't his fault but at least he's out of there See y'all in season 2
Absolutely deserved and glad the coach did it because we all know doc dan's too sweet to slap jaekyung and potato is a little sweetie I'm glad we have someone like him in the story who has dan's back
I like the mc/uke? so far and I actually wish this story was a romance between mc and the big dark haired mafia/thug guy. (if they turn out to be related I'll delete this so fast lmao) But that mafia guy was so hilarious kicking over that motorcycle but he's also a more interesting love interest than the blonde guy in my opinion. He has a fun personality and him and the mc are actually funny together.
As for the blondie/seme? he probably has feelings for the mc, going so far as to leak the scandal photo of the other idol (I think) to get the mc as his manager so they can become close again. A problem seemed to have happened between them during high school and the mc dissapeared from blondie's life, I think that's one of the reasons why blondie is now acting the way he is in terms of seeming closed off and cold. He's hurting and probably went through other difficulties. I hope they both have more character development soon especially from blondie, I need to see more expressions and emotional development from him or the mafia guy will remain a more interesting love interest.