偉大な王 she/her's feed

"Something feels off" Listen I'm sorry yall aren't used to that kind of realistic fictional things but no one will die, no breakup will happen and no uncomfortable situations will escalate or whatever.
This is how life is, I'm sorry you don't know that, maybe you need to get out more or watch couple's therapy or whatever, but just because no one got r@ped, beaten or anything unfortunate doesn't mean something is off. Yall are too used to bad things happening that you expect it every single time.

You know someone once said to expect the unexpected to not be disappointed, but here we are, writing in a comment section with a bunch of immature people that don't know about the way of life and think that everything happens overnight and it has to be perfect. I don't know what kind of online relationships yall have been into, or what middle school relationships that lasted less than a year or over, but this manhwa is different. This relationship problem yall have never seen before, or maybe you have with a bad outcome. It "feels off" because yall are so used to the fucked up things that yall have been reading. Clear yalls minds and read some sci-fi or smth.