둥굴게 둥굴게 짝. 빙글빙글 도라며. 춤을 추시다, 손뼉을 치면서 Jjak. 노래를 부르며 짝, Rallallalla 즐거우게 춤추자!!! 반지 반지 반지 반지 반지와 반지.. 링가 링가 링가 링가 링가 링.. 소네 소늘 잡고. 모두 다 함케, 즐거웁게 뛰어 밥시다.
둥굴게 둥굴게 짝.. 빙글빙글 도라며.. 춤을 추시다~~ 손뼉을 치면서 Jjak!! ..노래를 부르며 짝!! Rallallalla 즐거우게 춤추자. 링가 링가 링가 링가 링가 링~~~》링가 링가 링가 링가 링가 링~~~!!!
소네 소늘 잡고.. 모두 다 함케.. 즐거웁게 뛰어 밥시다, 둥굴게 둥굴게 짝. 빙글빙글 도라며!! 춤을 추시다.b손뼉을 치면서 Jjak!! 노래를 부르며 짝, Rallallalla 즐거우게 춤추자!! 링가 링가 링가 링가 링가 링~~ 링가 링가 링가 링가 링가 링~~!!!
소네 소늘 잡고 모두 다 함께.. 즐거웁게 뛰어 밥시다!!
It's a bl yaoi manhwa where the ml has a problem, he can't study alone. He needs to have someone sitting infront of him doing nothing or anything just so he can study. He pays the dudes who help him out and he literally wants nothing from them but just stay there until he's done with his studies..
I've read it and finished it like 2 years ago? Or last year and I forgot the name..
The reason why I want to read it is because I have the same problem, tomorrow is my last final exam and ever since the start of my finals I've been having my ipad infront of me with these study sessions videos and they've helped me focus alot.
Don't they have a child or smth WHERE IS THE BABY
Pretty sure that was only in the mpreg side story, side story 4 is a continuation of the main, Canon story