Cherub February 23, 2021 3:24 pm

I myself am I an able-bodied person (for the most part, I have high functioning autism and ADHD that barely get in the way of my life) but I see this happening a lot. I suppose to compare it to child labour/factory work in under-developed countries, it’s the same. It is abuse in a sense, but without this job, these people wouldn’t be earning anything. Something is better than nothing. People will sit on their high horses and place these people on a pedestal without actually wanting to do any of the work. These people deserve higher wages, Justice, not for you to take their jobs away in hopes of creating equality. Equality can only be created when justice is obtained, not the other way around. This is sort of why I have a problem with BLM activists... not all of them, but the ones who speak on behalf of those they wish to help. The “Hi, I’m Emily, she/her, BLM/ACAB” in the bio encompassed by emojis and flowering, are the ones advocating for something they know nothing about. The whole debate about where or not gypsy is a slur was started by non-romani. Gypsy has never been a slur and is a name for this group of people who don’t belong to any one ethnicity. Don’t initiate fights that aren’t yours to start.

Cherub February 22, 2021 2:14 pm

Oop, I think maybe I should do some clearing up about what this chapter meant. It pretty much looks like the father is a jealous little bastard and hates his son cause he’s better than him, but I think the story is actually the other way around. The son is jealous of the power his father has and wants to get rid of him. To make it crystal clear what the last sentence meant, basically to drive someone out of their seat means to replace... get rid or basically kill them. This was just one of the incidents the father has told and I’m pretty sure it gets worse from here. Hope this clears some stuff up - The korean translator

Cherub February 21, 2021 2:41 pm

This is the second manga I’ve read this month with a plot as non-existent as my attention span and faster than McQueen

Cherub February 20, 2021 2:39 pm

I think this author has an incest kink... I don’t usually judge people’s sexual fantasies, but this ain’t Alabama ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

Cherub February 19, 2021 2:08 pm

For me personally, this reads like a Killing Stalking clone. The involvement of police trying to identify the killer, the obsessive uke, that has the same body and face, and a psycho top. The art style is very similar to Killing Stalking as well. The scene where he bashed the guy’s head in looks like it could be a scene from Killing Stalking. After KS came out, and the success of the series, loads of clones who tried to do the same thing started appearing, and the psychological tag in Korean manhwas started to become really popular. Nothing will ever be like KS, and not to put it onto this god like pedestal, it’s because it was the first successful manhwa of it’s kind that reached as many people as it did. Comparing it to KS is not insulting the artist because it’s very clear that’s where this manhwa has taken inspiration from, so much so the creator of KS is looking into the legality of it and is talking with the Lezhin team. It’s apparent they wouldn’t bring it up unless they thought it was misleading people, and evident from the topics on here, a lot of people thought this was a second manhwa from her because the styles were so similar.

    yuujou :P February 19, 2021 2:20 pm

    ik its like KS but instead of the original yoonbum being scared of sangwoo he wants the killer im so dead i need an update on this before i die (¤﹏¤)

    Cherub February 19, 2021 2:22 pm
    ik its like KS but instead of the original yoonbum being scared of sangwoo he wants the killer im so dead i need an update on this before i die (¤﹏¤) yuujou :P

    A power bottom yoonbum? Haha

    yuujou :P February 22, 2021 1:54 pm
    A power bottom yoonbum? Haha Cherub

    righttt (☍﹏⁰)

    Cherub February 22, 2021 2:05 pm

    Damn, 9 dislikes. Y’all really don’t want anybody comparing this to KS. Why take it as in insult to the manhwa when it very clearly is taking a lot of inspiration from it? It’s not prejudice or hate, it’s a fact. It doesn’t derail the overall quality, just means it’s a clone

Cherub February 15, 2021 7:31 am

This is sort of going to be my last topic on here before shit gets sorted. Please read this.

To explain why uploaders wait until the official has been out for 3 days before uploading, is to give what little respect they have to make sure the creator still earns the minimum amount. This will force readers who are impatient to actually buy chapters, or people who do buy the officials to keep going and not stop. Some of you guys might think this is stupid because, hey, it’s a pirating website, why have any morsel of respect or integrity for the author? Maybe it’s hard to understand, but to put it in the simplest way, they are the ones making sure you even have a favourite series to read. Without the author, you wouldn’t have assorted wildness. So at the very least, uploaders try and be the most they can towards the authors. It’s one thing to upload to pirating websites, it’s another to want fame and people kissing up to them. Scanlating groups wanting respect is a whole other situation because it’s not the pirating we want praise for, it’s the 30+ hours that go into it. If you downvote this, you’re just showing to this site that you don’t care about the author and you’re only here to fetishise gay men.

    Nafura February 15, 2021 8:31 am

    Omg i disliked by mistake. Some would think waiting for days after the release to post it here make no difference but it actually does, that's what made me start buying Painter of the night. And because of the shit show here I'm buying ink for it.

    Herefortheplot February 15, 2021 3:30 pm

    This is nice and agreed!!!

    DenkiIsMyHusbando February 16, 2021 4:39 am

    I stg, I wish these people would just find other stories instead of harassing translators, of they don't care about the plot enough to wait for a good translation, they can just read ones without plot

Cherub February 14, 2021 4:51 pm

Reading everyone’s topics about how they want these stolen google translated chapters has literally made me want to stop translating all together. I know for a fact the majority of you guys have read stuff I’ve translated and acted so fucking grateful you got a new chapter on your beloved BL series. But when you guys are happy with stolen, google translated chapters from a Korean raw site, why even bother? I’m realise that some of you guys just want to get off to two guys going at it and fetishising gay men. Yes I will go there because this is what you guys are doing. But hey, to each their own. But I don’t think you guys are realising that these 5 chapters will be deleted and uploaded each time because you guys are praising this liar’s ass as if they’re the fucking Christ themselves. Nothing will progress. But if you guys could wait a hot fucking moment, you’d get the official translations. Why on Earth did you think this manhwa went radio silent? Every translator on the site silently agreed that they would wait for the official to come along... that is like the number one rule in the translator’s code, but this person broke it. You’re telling us to leave? Wow. Call us ungrateful but you out here biting the hand that serves. And to the lovely person going around replying to every topic, you better watch out for the next korean BL you read, cause high chances are I’ll be working on it, or know the people who are. I’ll save a littleeee spot in the editor’s not just for you ٩(๑❛ᴗ❛๑)۶

    Fudanshi February 14, 2021 5:08 pm

    Ikr we are just reading this for free but they are really so thirsty over 2 men having smegg can't they be grateful that we are even reading this

    daididau February 14, 2021 8:47 pm

    You know, your comment resonates with me a lot. I am very passionate about translation quality, but when I try to tell people that, sometimes the feedback is, we're on illegal site & quality doesn't matter, so we should thank these "scanlators", so long as they can provide a quick fix. But to me, they shouldn't even be called scanlator, because they don't even know how to translate, or to edit the images, or to typeset. Sometimes I wonder why people read at all. Just because the sentences are somewhat understandable, that doesn't make the translation correct. If I just want to know the gist of the story, I can just go to wiki or a fan's blog site to read a summary. This kind of crappy work doesn't do the series justice. I might be okay if it's an unlicensed series that no one wants to pick up. But if it's been licensed, & there is an option to wait for the official chapters to come out, I think we should wait for them.
    I totally can understand you, coming from a background where we understand that true representation matters, & that we should take pride in careful & painstaking hard work to convey even the littlest of the nuances. And I guess it's kind of hurtful to see that this is so often underappreciated, when people just care about speed & nothing else. And I get that it feels stupid for bothering to care too much when most likely, most people won't even notice. But, don't let that get you down, & the best of luck to you. I hope you continue on in earnest & keep sharing with us! And please know that I appreciate true scanlators, because I know how much effort that goes with it.

    Cherub February 15, 2021 7:21 am
    You know, your comment resonates with me a lot. I am very passionate about translation quality, but when I try to tell people that, sometimes the feedback is, we're on illegal site & quality doesn't matter,... daididau

    I think this is the nicest thing anyone has ever said about scanlators. You give me hope

Cherub February 12, 2021 1:55 pm

Saw the cover, thought it was cute, read 4 pages and said fuck no I’m out

Cherub February 12, 2021 12:10 pm

I think you guys are totally forgetting this guy is basically an openly gay man who sleeps around more than rabbits. The wife and him were coerced into this relationship which neither wanted. Y’all are really giving him the ultimatum of pretending to be straight and have sex with a woman, or come clean, divorce and be drowned in a cement block at the bottom of a river. The fact anyone is taking this plot seriously is miraculous to me. Did you miss the whole first two parts where he was basically a detail-less blob merely existing? The fact you guys are holding him accountable for “cheating” when he wasn’t even devote to his wife in the first place. She and him are effectively in an agreement to stay in this relationship for the sake of their families. I’d understand this whole “romanticism cheating” if he was actively deceiving his wife to rendezvous with other men. He hasn’t even done anything that could be associated with cheating. He basically had no sexual relations with anyone for 2 years until the new guy came along, and even then, it’s just fantasies. Don’t take it to bloody seriously, it’s a gag manga. Want something wholesome? Read the other work, On or Off

Cherub February 12, 2021 6:48 am

It’s kind of spoilery but you can take what you want from this:
Just as a note, I’m half Korean and fluent in it as well, but the context is a little blurry:
So it looks like the seme sort of has a pattern for liking, as his colleague/friend put it “depressive trash”. These relationships always ended on a bad foot because they didn’t know how to continue it on the beginning of the relationship’s basis. But, from the looks of it, this relationship is sort of different from his other ones and it looks to be genuine. I will agree though, his reasoning is a bit suspicious. He claims that seeing uke happy makes him happy and that’s enough, but everytime he’s asked why he offered him the money/ gave it to him, his answer is always shallow and without a genuine reason that really benefits anyone. Uke doesn’t know if this is to benefit him or the seme. He even hired uke’s sister (whether or not he knows she’s his sister is unknown, but, he did give a hint that he knew) -> basically when he met up with the sister he accidentally got hot coffee but she likes cold, and the next time he met up with uke, he asked him if he actually wanted it cold. He is a bit suspicious but there’s only 25 chapters worth of raws and the story hasn’t progressed all too much so it’s hard to tell. We’ll have to say but I’m about 60% sus of the seme, cause stories like these have to have a twist or a fight somewhere... 25 chapters of uneventfulness is pinging my sus radar.

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