Kinda see them as like very close childhood friends which can be lovey dovey. But goddam the moment romance goes in the picture the ml just saves the girl more than necessary and just... lessens his awesome scenes I guess? I mean yeah tess is strong but he’ll still save her from now on I just want art to kick some ass not GET that ass
Hold me back I think Im gonna slap an annoying dumb blonde bitch
*pushes forward* Oh no. Don't slap dumb blonde bitch. oh no
I would like your comment as well if I could-
*slaps the fucking blonde out of her* Oh shit I accidentally did NOT slap VERY HARD
Why only slap? We could just ACCIDENTALLY remove her existence *tongue slips*
i will not hold you to slap the stepsister of hilse
*places knife on your hand* please don't be violent oh no no no you really shouldn't